Giveaways and Reviews

CeraVe Now Available in Canada!

Cera VeBy Lisa Dutton…

CeraVe is a pharmaceutical skincare line that many families have come to rely on. The reason is simple: it’s simple!

Non-irritating and fragrance free – CeraVe is great for people with any type of sensitivity. My sensitivity is mild acne. What many people don’t realize is even though skin may be oily and acne prone, it is also highly sensitive. CeraVe’s non-comedogenic moisturizers are perfect for my skin.

Now, two of CeraVe’s bestselling facial moisturizers in the United States are available in Canada! Good news for us dried out Canucks (it’s been a long winter).

CeraVe AM Facial Moisturizing Lotion SPF 30 and CeraVe Facial Moisturizing Lotion PM are specifically formulated for normal to oily facial skin. What sets them apart from other products in the isle? Both contain hyaluronic acid which ‘attracts’ moisture, and holds up to 1000 times its weight in water (that sounds like smart skin science). They are clean, light, and work to help balance your natural moisture level. There is nothing heavy, complicated or smelly about them. They are simple, and most importantly EFFECTIVE.

Both of these CeraVe moisturizers retail for $14.99 (89ml) – fair price for a quality product. These will NOT end up in that ‘product graveyard’ under your bathroom sink. These are turn em’ up-side-down and use every last drop sort of products!

CeraVe can be found at drugstores, mass retailers and grocery stores across Canada.


CeraVe® – the only brand of moisturizers and cleansers in Canada to help replenish skin’s moisture barrier with multiple ceramides, cholesterol and fatty acids – has launched two facial moisturizers in Canada! Developed with Dermatologists, NEW CeraVe® AM Facial Moisturizing Lotion with SPF 30 and CeraVe® Facial Moisturizing Lotion PM are top sellers in US drug stores. To help protect and restore your skin, Feisty Frugal and Fabulous and CeraVe is offering you the chance to win a prize pack valued at more than $100!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Lisa Dutton blogger bio feisty frugal and fabulous


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  • I LOVE that CeraVe has multiple ceramides, cholesterol and fatty acids, to really help replenish skins natural moisture barrier. I suffer from very dry skin on my face, so this would do wonders!!

  • Non-irritating and fragrance free is a plus so would love to win and try it out, so many products irritate my skin!

  • For me, the most appealing thing is that it’s for all types of sensitivities. I have extremely sensitive skin and would love to try this! Fragrance free and gentle of the skin! Sounds awesome! Thanks for the chance!

  • I like how they are fragrance free and non irritating, my skin is oily but has sensitivity, id love to try this !

  • I like that it is non-irritating and fragrance free. My face can be sensitive to some products.

  • I like that it is Non-irritating,fragrance free and has a SPF 30 . I need a product like this for my skin type.

  • My husband is extremely sensitive to scents so a fragrance free lotion for me would be ideal plus the fact that it is non-irritating and had SPF 30 is a great bonus. These are reasons why I would like to try CeraVe

  • I like to try because I do have sensitive skin I like the fact that it is Non-irritating and fragrance free

  • I like the fact that CeraVe is good for sensitive skin, and yet still moisturise. I’m just in the middle of a break-out of unknown origin. I suspect the Avene sensitive skin moisturiser I bought a while ago. Oh well. Onwards and upwards…

  • I think it’s great that it is good for sensitive skin. I have sensitive skin so this would be great to try.

  • I’d like to try it because it is unscented. With several people in the household allergic to scent ,this would be great.

  • i want to try it because it look s like it would suit my skin type and it sounds like it actually works!

  • I would love to try this product because the winter has been hard on my skin. I normally have dry skin but winter is always worse and I need something that will moisturize my skin now. I like that this product is for sensitive skin also because I have to be careful what I use.

  • I also struggle with mild acne (so embarrassing as an adult!), and have been searching for a good nighttime moisturizer for a while. Would love to give this a try – thanks for the chance to win!

  • I’d love to try these products as I have acne-prone skin and these products are non-comedogenic so they won’t contribute to a break out.

  • I like that these are simple products without heavy scents — which is exactly what I like using on, especially on my face.

  • Because I have very sensitive skin and it’s dry to the fact that I haven’t find a product that doesn’t give me hives or inflammation.

  • I’d like to try them for the moisturizing and the spf protection. My current facial moisturizer doesn’t have any sun protection in it.

  • I have quite sensitive skin and need a moisturizer that is non-comedogenic and not heavy or filled with fragrance – i also like that it feels light and there is a version that has spf.

  • That’s great that CeraVe products are now available in Canada; I’d love to try them. Lisa had me as soon as she described the products as non-irritating and fragrance free!

  • The fact that these products are top sellers in US and now available in Canada really makes me want to try them. The price point is fair and like that they are not a product that just sits and gathers dust but will be used completely.

  • I work in a fragrance-free environment with people who have chemical sensitivities so I an always interested in trying new products that I can use in this environment.

  • I’ve heard a lot of great things about CeraVe and I’m glad their skin care will finally be available to Canadians. I have sensitive skin, so I love that this is a product suitable for those of us with special skin care needs, but at the same time offers hyaluronic acid and SPF.

  • I’ve never heard of this brand before but they sound really nice. I have dry skin and acne so it’s a pain to find good quality products.

  • She had me at non-irritating and fragrance free. I have extremely sensitive/allergic skin, so the fragrance free is very important! Would love to give this brand a try 🙂

  • I have very sensitive facial skin and have only found one product I can use. Would love the option of something else.

  • I have sensitive skin as well, and after reading the review, i’m interested in trying this product

  • I have problems with dry skin and I am very interested in products that “will NOT end up in that ‘product graveyard’ under your bathroom sink.”

  • I would love to try this because my skin is very sensitive and I would love to use a cleanser that would not irritate my skin.

  • Perfect for someone with dry skin who can’t take a lot of the basic, irritating stuff available in stores.

  • My skin is totally destroyed from this winter so I definitely need something to get it summer ready!

  • I would love to win this for my daughter to see if she can use it. She has very sensitive skin and it gets very dry and cracked too.

  • I have very sensitive skin and usually use Clinique skin care products. This sounds like something I should try!!

  • You had me at “CeraVe is great for people with any type of sensitivity.” I’m always looking for great new products that are truly made for very sensitive skin.

  • The fact it is a Facial Moisturizing Lotion with SPF 30 and also for sensitive skin is what I look for and that’s not easy to find!

  • After reading Lise’s review, I want to try these CeraVe Moisturizers because after one more dry Saskatchewan winter my skin is craving some high quality, effective moisture!

  • I have sensitive skin that has been having mild breakouts and would love to try a product geared to both these skin issues

  • I have seen this in the shops and wondered if it was for sensitive skin or not…I will try this because my skin seems to react to just about anything.

  • I love that this is made especially for people with sensitive skin. I would love to see how it does on mine

  • I would love to try this because I’m tired of rashes and looking like I’ve been sleeping in the hot sun for hours after spending big money on a product I obviously can’t use! I like all this product has to offer especially to be able to use on sensitive skin!

  • A couple of years ago I had strange dry patches on my extremities and the dermatologist recommened Cerave (heavy duty) and it worked within a week. I had no idea they had facial moisturizers. I would love to try them out!

  • As I get older I find I need a lot more help with moisture retention, especially my face! The fact that this product can hold 1000 times it’s weight in water is amazing.