Giveaways and Reviews

Be Passionate

Spring is all about passion, no? It’s most definitely about renewal and starting fresh! I find that spring motivates me to start fresh and take action much more than the beginning of a new year in January and I have no doubt the difference in weather plays a part in that!

In her latest blog post (which you can find on and on Huffington Post), Betty Ann Heggie shares how – in this new beginning that spring brings us – we can say yes to the things that make us passionate and no to so many things that simply don’t.

I’m sure many women can relate.  You give so much of yourself to your kid’s activities, work functions, and perhaps even your partner’s work functions, that there’s little time or energy left for the things that you love. Things that make you smile and give you energy and renew your spirit.  Ironic isn’t it?  We’re so busy fulfilling the needs of others, that we deplete our energy and don’t have time to do the things that we love and bring us energy.  It’s a never-ending cycle and Betty Ann is encouraging us to put a stop to it.

Read her blog titled, Saying Yes to Your Passions Makes it Easier to Say No to Others and see if you can find some tips and strategies within to help stop the cycle and give yourself the time and focus to do what you’re really passionate about.

Perhaps you’re like me – recently my friend Tara asked me what animal, hobby, or thing I really loved (as inspiration for a drawing).  I (no pun intended) drew a blank.  Beyond my kids and family, I didn’t know what answer to give her.  That was a real eye-opener for me.  I have lost that passion for having something that’s just for me, something to focus on and dive into.  I need to find that passion and find that woman inside who is beyond wife/mother, even blogger.  I’m more than that.  If you see her, tell her I’m looking for her, OK?


This month, Betty Ann and I are asking you – what are you passionate about?  Perhaps you – like me – need to take a few minutes to figure that out.  Maybe you’re someone that has a passion (or two) but needs more time to focus on it.  Maybe, you’re already living your passion and can share tips with the rest of us.  One of my readers is going to win $100 PayPal cash to help foster that passion!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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