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Super-Charge Your Diet for Spring

Something is in the air. I can smell it. It’s the smell of fresh earth, rain washing away the snow and salt, and hopefully soon the scent of grass and flowers will be in the air as well. Spring gives me energy like you wouldn’t believe (up 2 hours early every day, anyone?) and I know I’m not alone.  My friends are spring cleaning, and that includes a kitchen and diet overhaul for many.  When I use the word diet, I mean our eating plan, not weight-loss diet.  Healthy diet. Better eating. Cut the fries and replace with a side salad type of diet.

Registered dietician Diana Steele shares 4 easy ways to super-charge your diet for workouts:

• Studies show that the best way to support muscle growth and promote muscle recovery from work outs is to take in protein rich foods after a workout such as:

1. Almonds: One ounce of almonds gives you 6 grams of protein, nearly as much protein as one ounce of broiled rib eye steak. Almonds also contain antioxidants that boost our immune system and help to defend us against free radicals.

2. Lean Meat: Meat is of course a great source of protein, but make sure you don’t overdo it. About 2-3 ounces of lean meat per day are all you need.

3. Other protein-rich foods include yogurt, cheese and eggs.

4. Milk: For calcium, milk and alternatives are a great food source, and have the most calcium per serving. A cup of milk also provides more than 20% of your daily needs for phosphorus, which helps with calcium absorption and bone health.

earths own amoreA new product, Amoré Almonds and Dairy, is a great source of both calcium and protein. This delicious blend of dairy milk and roasted almonds actually offers 50% more calcium than regular milk in each serving.

Amoré also gives your body 90% more vitamin B12 than regular milk. Vitamin B12 has a long list of benefits for our bodies, including helping to maintain energy levels, which is very important as we dive into new work outs, reducing risk of heart disease, and even helping to keep mood disorders at bay.

I was really surprised to hear that Amore Almonds and Dairy has 50% more calcium than regular milk. Confession – I rarely drink regular milk unless it’s in a smoothie so I need to find ways to add more calcium to my diet.  This product sounded like a great way to do it. Why more calcium?  A 2008 study at Purdue University found that women who exercise for an hour daily lose about 92 mg of calcium a day through sweat. That’s 10% of the daily intake lost through exercise and when I’m not even getting the recommended intake, that worries me.

amore almond + dairy

I have been using Earths Own Amore + Dairy in place of milk in my smoothies to applause all around. OK, the applause is from three kids but the accolades count.  This smoothie was made with a cup of ice, 2 cups Amore Almonds + Dairy, and a handful of strawberries.  The result was a frosty, smooth and nutty strawberry smoothie with 50% more calcium than a regular (booooring) milk smoothie!  That’s a win for me!  Look for more Amore + Dairy recipes here!

It will be easy to replace my own dairy milk servings with Earth’s Own Amore + Dairy so that I can get the most calcium benefit from my dairy intake, especially when it tastes this good!


Want to try Earth’s Own Amore + Dairy (or maybe you’re already a fan?)  I have 5 free-product-coupons for one lucky reader!  To enter to win, just use the Rafflecopter form below!
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