Sitting in my living room in the early days of March, the only thing that feels or looks even remotely like spring is the sun streaming in and warming my (winter-dry) skin. Still, in just a few weeks Spring is officially going to be here (hooray!) and with it all the beauty, warmth and freshness that it brings.
That means it’s time to get a pedicure, shop for cute shoes, and perhaps a few pairs of capris! My skin is definitely wintered (not withered but wintered…that’s worse!) Thankfully, Skintimate® Signature Scents® Mandarin Burst shave gel arrived to help get me – and my wintered skin – ready for spring! Skintimate® Signature Scents® already come in four deliciously scented scents and Mandarin Burst is NEW!
And guess what? I’m looking for 20 readers to receive and review new Skintimate® Signature Scents® Madarin Burst shave gel! You’ll receive a full sized sample in the mail and then have some time to try it out and email me your review, sharing your thoughts. It doesn’t have to be much, but just some info sharing what your experience was and what your opinion is of the product. From all reviews received, one reviewer will be randomly selected to win a $100 Visa Gift Card! Perhaps you can use it to buy some new shoes and capris for spring!
Ready to enter? I’ll leave the contest open for 7 days to allow you to submit your name and entries in – then I will randomly select 20 readers and get your mailing information so you can receive your product! See? Now we have something to do while we wait for Spring to arrive!
Bring on the warmer temperatures and shorts
The warm weather and to be able to take my kiddies out for walks.
oh boy, my legs would love to be shaved right about now lol thanks for the opportunity to try this product
I can’t wait to not have anyore snow and smell fthe fresh air with a twist of flower
warmer weather
I’m looking forward to sun and just getting rid of this snow. The sights and sounds of happiness
opening the windows without freezing for fresh air
I am most loOking forward to the flowers and garden.
Green grass!
Wearing my sandals and bare legs again!
I am looking forward to ditching all the bulky clothing and going outside in shorts and barefoot
looking forward to the snow going, and going outside more with my children
Here in Southern Alberta, I am most looking forward to the warmer weather
Looking forward to spring as it brings up closer to our new home!
I am soo looking forward to not having to wear all these layers of clothes.
I am most looking forward to wearing sandals. And not having to wear so many layers.
Warmer temperatures and not having to put on layers to go out.
im looking forward to tulips!
The Sun and warmth!!!!
The Sun and warmth!!!!
i can’t wait for it to STOP FREAKING SNOWING!!!!
so looking forward not having to wear boots
I look forward to talking my kids out for walks in the stroller again
I am looking forward to being outside with the warm sun on my face.
yeah! c’mon, spring!
Cant wait for Spring clothes no boots and sunshine!!!
Warmer weather, gardening, and shedding all these layers (in our never-ending winter)!
I am looking forward to my boys’ birthdays…and of course all this white stuff melting.
I’m looking forward to the smells–fresh cut grass, lilacs, spring rain!
getting outside
I can’t wait for warmer weather to get outside with the kids and play!
I’m looking forward to the warmer weather and the smell of tulips sprouting
Warm weather, need I say more? lol
Green Grass and the smell of flowers blooming
I can’t wait for spring. I’m looking forward to melted snow and WARM sunshine!
Green grass!!
I am looking forward to warm weather and no more mitts, hats, boots and winter clothes!
Im looking forward to not having to wear so many layers!! and warmer temps, so I can get out in my garden
The flowers, warm weather and not having to bundle up in layers
Getting out in the garden!
Getting the kids outside!!!!!!
Getting outside with the kids!
love to try it out
looking forward to longer days and warm weather . Let the snow melt!
I want to get out in my garden!
Putting my garden in, and then fresh veggies!!
I am ready for it to warm up and for the flowers to bloom.
It being warmer. It’s been so long since it’s been warm enough just to play outside.
I bet it smells fabulous!!! It would be nice to imagine summer with smooth legs that smell like mandarin!
Love the citrus!!
Starting our vegtable garden!
Definitely would give it a shot.
I can’t wait to get the bbq back out and going. I have missed fresh burgers during this brutal winter
No longer being pregnant.
My skin is so ready to be outside and warm again!!
looks like this one smells awesome I love the smell of mandarin and could use something to keep my legs nice and healthy especially through the winter months
Not wearing a big winter coat because of the horrible cold!
Looking forward to no snow! So sick of snow! Lol
oh where do i even start? How about looking forward to seeing the Sunshine, feeling it on my skin, not having to deal with this cold snowy winter we have had this year! looking forward to going to the beach and bonfires.
I’m looking forward to seeing my tulip and crocus bulbs blooming. So done with the cold and snow!
look forward to spring. Seeing all the flowers and birds
I look forward to warmer air and sitting on my porch with a cup of tea and a good book.
Would love to try this out
Looking forward to Spring for me means coming out of hibernation and getting my kiddos to the park!
Would love to try it
Love the smell of mandarins (I’m having some now lol).
I am looking forward to spring flowers
I had a baby in September and haven’t shaved my legs in a loonnnggggg time. Love to try it out!!
No coats or boots.
wearing pretty dresses!
Have to say Sunshine.
Looking forward to my 25th wedding anniversary cruise in April
Getting outside
can’t wait for the warmer weather so I can put all the winter stuff away!!
i would love to try this
I’m looking forward to the smell of freshly cut grass
I’m looking forward to the warmer temperatures that spring brings!
The leaves on the trees and flowers getting ready to bloom!
warmth and no snow… also camp season
being able to go for walks with my daughter to the park and not having to bundle up to do it!!
Being able to get outside with my 6 month old who has had very little outside play time with all the winter weather.
Finally getting outside with my 6 month old!
Getting out and walking with my son!
Opening the windows and turning down the furnace!
Sandals and pedis!
I am looking forward to getting rid of the coat and boots. I just want to be able to sit outside again in the sun.
The smell of fresh cut grass, and seeing the pretty spring flowers starting to bloom. Plus seeing my girls finally be able to play outside and burn off some of that winter energy.
Most looking forward to getting back outside with the kiddos! I’ve missed the sun and warm weather! I’m ready for some shorts!!!
If Spring ever comes, I am looking forward to the sunshine, not wearing my snow boots, being able to walk outside, not wearing layers, open toed shoes (oh and pedis to go with those)
Warmer weather!
Getting to be outside again.
I am looking most forward to wearing sandals and flip flops and not having to SHOVEL SNOW!!!
the weather change indeed. cant stand the cold.
Warmer weather!
Less layers!!
I’m really looking forward to wearing flowy dresses and flats!
no snow lol
would love to try this product.
So looking forward to spring and summer!
I am looking forward to no more of this Polar Vortex!
No snow shovelling
Spring mean warmer temperatures and less snow. I was done with winter in December!
Nice warm days to get outside and enjoy with comfort. Taking out the BBQ.
I’m looking forward to going to the beacj
no more heavy winter clothes or snow
I’m so tired of the cold. I’m looking forward to being able to leave the house without having to bundle up!
The thing I’m most looking forward to about spring is getting my garden started!
Put away winter jackets and snow pants
I am looking forward to the warmer weather,and being able to get outside for a walk!
opening my windows!
I am looking forward to backing out of my driveway without worrying about the enormous snow banks that obstruct my view! Will that ever be a relief!
I am looking forward to wearing my flip flops.
That is an easy question!! Spring is my favourite season (Tulips, Easter plus chocolate). I love all the pretty spring colours and daffodils…spring is happy!
I’m looking forward to warmer weather & less layers of clothing! Yay!
I can’t wait to hang clothes and bedsheets on the clothesline.
I’m looking forward to warming up!
I’m looking forward to not wearing socks and slippers and no more snowsuits for my kids!
The beaches
I am looking forward to no more snow
I am most excited that Winter will be over, just bring on the warmth.
No more socks!
Flowers! Can’t wait to see flowers again!
I look forward to flowers and the smell of spring.. Fresh!
Flip flops!!
Warm weather. I am so sick of the bitter cold. Thanks for the chance
No more snow!
I am looking forward to putting all the snow gear away!
The clean up, especially the sand / salt tread inside home.
I just want the snow to melt! Even if it mean that bugs will start appearing
I’m most looking forward to the bottom of my pants being dry for a change. #Shortpeopleproblems
I’m looking forward to finding the barbecue on the deck again(hope it’s still there under that huge mound of snow.)
I can hardly wait for the tulips & daffodils & snowdrops to start peeking through the soil.
I’m desperately looking forward to more sun.
warm weather and no more snow!! i’m so done with winter.
I’m looking forward to ditching my winter boots and wearing my flats! Oh and spring colours
Just the warmer weather!
My baby girls first birthday!
I”m most looking forward to getting the garden going.
Being able to play outside with my kids! My daughter has been asking to build a snowman all winter and since it’s been sooo cold this year the snow is terrible to make a snowman and it’s been too cold to stay out long enough to make one anyway! Next week the weather man is calling for +8! SPRING IS COMING! SPRING IS COMING!! Lol!
walking outside without winter boots and mittens!
I’m looking forward to no snow & more sunshine.
I am looking forward to being warmer and planting the garden– oh and maybe most of all– no more socks!!!
Very simple – I look foward to warmer weather, have had enough of snow
I am looking forwards to less cold-temp days.
Definitely warmer temperatures and no snow!
birds are arriving …spring weather is close
I am looking forward to packing away the shovels and snowblower, winter jackets, extension cord for the car and enjoying the first day of warmth after the worst winter of my life!!!!
Gardening, or taking the dog for much warmer walks!
NO MORE SNOW (hopefully)
Warm walking weather!
wearing sandals!
Looking forward to wearing lighter clothes!
looking forward to saving all the time and effort of bundling up with 5 million layers of clothing and coats and scarves etc. i want the warm weather!
Warm breezes!!
I love being able to open the windows again and let the breeze blow through.
I am looking forward to being warm again!! No coats!! No mitts!! And no more snow!! This winder feels never ending!!
I am most looking forward to being warm! I am so tired of cold weather, snow and ice. Bring on spring!
Warmer weather
I am looking forward to the warmer weather
Looking forward to being able to leave the house without 10 layers!
I am most looking forward to soccer season for the kids!
The hot weather
I am looking forward to picnics
I am looking forward to my first pedicure!
looking forward to not having to bundle up the kids and myself
Spring means that it is almost SUMMER!
I can’t wait for the warmer weather and to shed all of these heavy bulky clothing I’ve been wearing just to try to keep warm.
I’m looking forward to no more snow!!
Hello.I’m waiting for summer to shower, shave with Schick shaver and use a Skintimate shaving gel with my favorite scent (mandarin burst) if I get a sample – if not other brand. Then I can get summer outdoor photos while getting a tan.
warmer weather, sunshine, hoodies ,and camping!
I am looking forward to working in my yard again, planting flowers, and enjoying the exercise working to make the yard look nice!
the smell from the clothes on the line
I’m looking forward to warm weather!
the birth of my first child and warm sunny weather!
I need to see some sunshine and it will be so lovely to not wear heavy winter boots – just some light pretty sandals!!
I’m looking forward to getting out for some nice walks without having to worry about ending up on my bottom.