Giveaways and Reviews

Lisa Adds to “The Circuit” With Evenflo

Evenflo Beach Baby Excersaucer reviewBy Lisa Dutton…

Our baby is now 5 months old, and our living room has turned into something we call “the circuit”.  Gone are the days of a little newborn snuggling on the couch all day.  Johnny wants to roll, swing, stretch, and bounce!  Even at just 5 months, Johnny is ready to PLAY!

evenflo beach baby excersaucer reviewThe Evenflo Beach Baby ExerSaucer has quickly become one of Johnny’s favourites in the circuit.  He is able to rock, bounce, even spin 360 degrees!  The Beach Baby ExerSaucer is strewn with a variety of fun gadgets to keep him busy (over 12 activities)!  These ‘take with me toys’ are removable, so you can customize your saucer however you want.  Johnny seems to love the ‘beach party’!  I love the fact the toys are removable because it makes the saucer so easy to clean.  The fabric seat is also easily removed and machine washable.

Evenflo Exersaucers provide parents with a safe place for wobbly babies to play — all while strengthening their little legs, back, neck, and improving motor skills.  The Beach Baby ExerSaucer is easy to assemble and is available at Toys R Us ($79.99) and  Walmart ($75.97) in Canada.  I think this is great value: this is a sturdy, quality item.  It also has a 3-position height adjustment that grows with your child for several months.  Johnny says “HANG LOOSE”!

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