Giveaways and Reviews

Evenflo Maestro Harness Booster Car Seat

evenflo maestro harness boosterWith my youngest, my baby, turning 3 next month it seems like time has been on fast-forward since the day she was born.  There was a time when our house was full of baby items – exersaucers, high chairs, baby swings and more.  Now, I have my living room back.  While the space is welcome, I’m not sure I’m OK with the absence of baby items (don’t get any ideas, Everleigh is and will always be the baby of the family!)

And so, the new car seat we received from Evenflo was welcomed because it was one of the few items that is just for our youngest and reminds me that she still is, in many ways, a tiny being and in need of products specifically for her little size.  Since she has had her previous car seat for over two years now, we were definitely in need of a new 5-point harness booster seat.  Her old one had been though diaper blow-outs (oh, I know you’ve been there too!), spilled juice boxes, sand added from the beach for extra measure and more.

The Evenflo Maestro Harness Booster Seat (in a modern pattern and color palette of grey, steel and lime) can be used as a 5-point harness booster seat right now.  When she’s older, we can use it as a booster seat with the RightFit belt-positioning system which auto adjusts the vehicle seat belt to your child for a proper fit over the hips and chest.  The cup-holder is a small feature compared to the safety features, but it’s a welcome addition!

3 is a milestone.  The toddler years are complete and preschool years are ahead of us.  My baby is growing up, much faster than I’d like.  The last few items that are specific for her age like booster seats are ones that I will happily keep using as long as I can.  Thankfully, now that we’re past diaper blow outs this car seat should stay a little more clean than her previous one.  Beach sand is always welcome (because it comes with that delicious baby scent of sweat and sunscreen that I’m not ready to let go of yet either!)

Look for the Evenflo Maestro Harness Booster Car Seat at stores like Toys R Us and Walmart.



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