Did you know that February 20th is National Love Your Pet Day? I didn’t, though it’s no surprise since we’re very new to “life with dog” and everything about pet care, and the joy (ahem) of owning pets.
Cali came to live with our family in October as a 2 month old puppy – completely full of energy, excitement, and everything else. Yes, our biggest challenge to date has been potty training but thankfully hardwood floors and a good dose of patience has brought us this far!
We’ve been through veterinary visits (three), immunization appointments (two), puppies first haircut and soon we’ll be getting her spayed. Thankfully, we did our research before hand on choosing the perfect dog for our family (Cali is an Australian Multigen Labradoodle) and understood that the cost of ownership of a pet does not end with the initial purchase or adoption.
While these are average costs across the country (obedience classes here are half what is quoted above, yet my dog crate cost more than what was listed) it all balances out in the end. And in the end, a puppy is an expensive endevour not only in it’s first year but for her lifetime.
I’ve been looking at pet insurance and gaining info from petsplusus.com where you can input your dog’s breed and get a direct quote plus more info (I noted that Labradoodle isn’t one of the dozens of breeds listed though, so I’d have to call directly to get a quote.) They also share great information on how pet insurance works so we can make a decision using all the information presented. The idea is appealing to me after hearing about the atrocious costs some of my friends and family have endured dealing with sick pets, and not having insurance coverage in place.
Information used to determine a quote includes:
• Your pet’s species – Both cats and dogs need regular veterinarian care and can experience medical issues or accidents. Consider that some species (or breed) also live longer than others requiring a different level of commitment.
• Your pet’s breed – There may be medical conditions associated with your pet’s breed. Knowing this can help you prepare for future medical needs.
• Your financial resources – Your ability to proactively save and be diligent about keeping up aside funds for care related to illnesses and unexpected medical situations should be considered.
• Your ability to pay for routine vet care – Consider the financial requirements to pay for the routine care your pet will need. As well, consider any previous medical issues your pet might have that may require ongoing care.
Like all things puppy, pet insurance is new to us so I’ll be taking some time to go over my options and get a quote and determine what steps to take going forward. Right now I have to prepare myself for Cali’s spay appointment at the end of this month. I suppose on Feb 20th for Love Your Pet Day she’ll get some extra treats and cuddles because of that – but none of us mind.
No I didn’t know that Feb 20th is love you pet day! We have 2 cats and 2 dogs and they all get lots of love everyday! We have looked at pet insurance but have decided against it because with 4 it would get very costly. We set some money aside every month into a “pet account” to help for those unexpected trips to the vet.
I did not know that Feb 20 was love your pet day, but I have no pet to love, would really love to get a kitten
i know that now
i have two kitties i will be cuddling with 
I like your cost breakdown as we are deciding on possibly getting a family pet.
Awe your dog is cute! I know dogs cost a lot of money, but my dog is like my child, so he gets treated like one. Pet insurance is something I should look into as my dog ages, he is going to bed 6 already
didn’t know it was love your pet day on Feb. 20th! We have a 3 cats and assorted other house pets and yes, can be very expensive but so worth it!!! We love our pets as family! Your Cali is so adorable!
I didn’t know it was love your pet day but don’t we love and spoil our pets everyday!
I thought every day was love your pet day ..
No I did not know, but I love my pets everyday and they get spoiled almost everyday too
I had no idea the feb. 20th was love your pet day! So i guess a treat is order to celebrate our pets!
Thank you for posting about February 20th – love your pet day. I love my cat, Audrey Hepburn…she sitting beside me as I read your blog!
I don’t have a pet do husbands count?
in my house love your pet is everyday i have 3 terrific cats and i enjoy them everyday and if February 20 is love your pet day i will spoil my cats that day as if they are already not spoiled as it is lol
I agree with Marlene. Every day is love your pet day.
I didn’t know this either. But like so many others here, I love my pets every day.
Thanks for the info on pet insurance! I love my pets!
We save an amount every month for our pet instead of insurance in case somethign happens. 5 years later our dog has a sizeable bank account – LOL
Fabulous information! Pet care costs so much – hard for most people.
I did not know that the 20th was love your pet day. we don’t have a pet (and cant have one in our apartment) but I had a cat when I was younger and I still miss him.
We do not have a pet but everyone enjoy your pets with extra hugs this month. I did not realize all the costs and responsibilities for a pet. Awesome breakdown.
I love my doggies everyday. my lab Abbey has a lot of allergies her dog food is crazy expensive.
every day is love your pet day at my house!
Boy they have a day for everything under the sun, now. When I had pets I sure didn’t need a special day to remind me to love them. How silly.
I love my cat every day !
Good info.I love my cat !
Pets are worth every penny spent!
I love my pet every day.
We don’t have a pet because we don’t have the space. I did not know that Feb. 20 was love your pet day.
I have 2 pets a big boy cat Bootsie and a cockatiel name Frankie
We love animals .
I didn’t realize there was a love your pet day, but I love mine everyday
Everyday is love your pet day here lol. They’re spoiled brat cats. My youngest is getting fixed on the 19th.
I did not know there was such a day as love your pet day I love my pet every day
Had no idea feb 20 is Love your pet day ! I love my pets everyday , 2 cats , love em lots , hate their hair . I wish more ppl would set up a pet budget before bringing home a pet , it would probably make for a few less unwanted pets , which is a sad sad situation
this, i did not know! thanks for the info!
We will miss our kitty especially on Feb 20 – we lost him to cancer last year and have decided not to get a new pet just yet.
I’ve had my new kitty for 2 months now. She’s named Daisy and she’s 8. She’s a long-haired calico who’d been shaved into a lion cut, so she still looks a bit peculiar, but she’s a sweetie. A weirdo, but a sweetie. So every day in my house is Pet Day. And rescued pets seem to really appreciate being comfy and loved.
love all my animals!
thanks for the information! Pet care costs so much
Great day for Pets
I didn’t know February 20t was Love Your Pet Day! Thanks for the information, I think my two shih tzus are already pretty spoiled.
But if I had know they would have gotten an extra treat!
it’s about time they have a pet day
Its Pet Day here every day!! We have 2 cats and a budgie whom we are tres fond of! Thanks, I didn’t know about Pet Day!
I did not know there was a pet day! We have 12 rabbits so maybe I will bake them a carrot cake and have the kids eat it and give the bunnies the real veggies
darn – missed the day. next year!
I love my pets everyday!!!
Our pet is loved every day.
I do not have a pet but have friends that do and they would not have a pet without pet insurance. So worth the cost. Less than 1 trip to the vet most times.