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Let 2014 Be Your Year of Wonder

betty-ann-heggieBetty Ann Heggie’s latest blog post starts, Do you long for the good old days of childhood when things seemed much simpler, easier, more joyful and laid back? Maybe it never was that way for you, but it can be ‘yet to come’ by simply reinstating a sense of wonder in your life.  Arianna Huffington advocates wonder as an antidote to daily stress. In 2014, each of us can activate wonder by opening our hearts, laughing lots and being more sensuous.

a year of wondermentIn A New Year Filled With Wonder, Betty Ann Heggie further shares three ways to help bring wonder into your life in 2014.  It’s interesting how one can find wonder all around you if your eyes are open to it.

I traveled home to spend New Years Eve with my mom, as my dad was in the hospital dealing with complications from his ongoing battle with cancer.  Bringing three kids under 10 and a puppy into my mom’s house was an experience in itself, but seeing my children interact with their 73 year old grandmother made it all worth the 4 hour drive (each way!)

make 2014 your year of wonderLater, on New Years Day, showing my 77 year old dad the amazing technology behind FaceTime became a definite moment of wonderment.  Here, this man who had literally ridden on a horse and buggy with his parents in his day, was chatting with his daughter in Calgary using FaceTime on my tablet.

Travel, of course, is an ideal way to open your eyes, mind and heart to wonder.  And it doesn’t even need to be a foreign destination used as the key to opening yourself to the beauty around you.

This photo of Betty Ann Heggie’s daughter, Louise, that she shared on her Facebook wall over the holidays is an excellent example.  Youth and beauty surely speak to you through this photo, but I also see the scenery behind – and the calm waters around her.

Jealous?  You bet I am.  But it gave me a moment to appreciate the beauty of our planet when our own local ponds are covered with ice.

What about you?  Do you see wonder around you?  Do you look at the world in a way that allows you to see it?  As Betty Ann shares, There was no one more full of wonder than Willie Wonka in the Chocolate Factory and he reiterated the same sentiment, “If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it.


This month, Betty Ann and I are both encouraging you to take a moment to see wonder.  Pause.  Breathe.  Take it in.  What a great mantra to start 2014 off with don’t you think?  One of my readers is going to win $100 PayPal to help foster those moments.  Use it to treat yourself to a stress-reducing spa day, a visit to a local park or museum, or anything else you can think of to help bring more wonder into your life!  To enter, just use the Rafflecopter form below.

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  • I can seek more wonder and inspiration by not turning down new adventures and experiences. I tend to stick to the “same old, same old” but new adventures that present themselves to me could add more wonder to my life.

  • to just take a moment and really open my eyes to everything around me. With everyone living such busy lives, it is so easy to lose sight of what is around you! the nature, the weather, creatures, the people you pass while walking. Sometimes it is easy to lose sight of all of that because we don’t take the time to see it and absorb. I will take the time as I walk down the street or where ever I go to just take a moment to take everything around me in

  • For me, I found that mediation helps a lot with calming yourself down and allowing you to breathe and also reflect on life and life around you. I started to mediate in 2013 but have fell off of it once the holidays hit. It made me realize how important and how helpful mediation is to me. Therefore, I will definitely make an even greater effort to make sure I keep it up in 2014.

  • For 2014 I am committing to opening myself to joy. And claiming a little more me time to stop breathe and enjoy what i am surrounded with.

  • I am going to seek more wonder and inspiration in 2014 by being sure to compliment at least one person, sincerely! every day. I love to spread the joy and wonder of life and watch others bloom!

  • I can seek more wonder and inspiration by viewing the world the way my almost 2 year old son does. Everything is a chance to explore and see what’s new. A chance to live slowly and abundantly. Seeing the world through the eyes of a child allow for more time to live creatively, through coloring, re arranging, baking or making block towers. It is also a brand new day with new opportunities.

  • Yoga yoga yoga. It seems to be the only time where I put life on hold and reflect on the wonderful amazingness of it all.

  • I sit and watch and listen to my grandchildren and am amazed at how much they have learned in their 7 and 6 years. I feel for parents today who have to work and are missing out on so much with their children. Children can teach us so much if we just sit and take the time with them. I plan on spending much more time listening and learning from my grandchildren this year. They can show me things I have never seen before even though they were here in front of me all along. Its going to be a brand new year of learning for me.

  • just by slowing down and making sure I don’t miss the little things.
    With a new baby and still running my own business, I don’t make enough time!

  • For the last 2 years I have been attempting to live a ‘smaller’ life…since the children moved out. I find joy in the smallest thing.

  • I plan to start reading books again. I need to make the time as I love reading but with 3 little ones running around I haven’t read a book in a few years now.

  • I definitely think that having an open mind allows you to be inspired. it’s not easy to do but once you let go of a narrow mind, you start to see things differently. i plan on working more on this in 2014

  • as 2014 became a new year, i’m letting go of the bad things that have happened last year and moving forward ready to embrace positive things

  • I am commiting to stop rushing and enjoy where we are right now. We’re always waiting for tehnext thing (where we’re going, what our kids will do next) but I want to spend more time in teh present and enjoying it 🙂

  • We are going to try a new destination for our family trip and visit pure nature and wonder. Somewhere we can sit and just take in nature’s beauty with our family beside us. Less rushing and more learning.

  • To stop and enjoy what I have right now. stop thinking about what I don’t have, focus on all that I do have.

  • For me is simple I think. I have trouble doing this but I really need to slow down, get away from technology and just enjoy moments and the people in my life. Unplug a bit and look the things around me

  • I have made a promise to myself to turn off my phone/television in the evenings and get back to the basics of ‘real life’.. I forgot how much I enjoy working with my hands, etc. It’s time to rekindle that

  • I think I can see more wonder and joy by saying yes to things. Often I am tired and grumpy and prefer to stay home, by saying yes more I will get out, try new things and be with people.
    pam w h

  • I would see more wonder and joy by capturing opportunity. I need to slow down and look around me a little more.

  • I’m going to take my time each day instead of running to get everything done all the time . Take those moments and cherish them as you might just miss them if you are too busy running to get things done

  • Slow down & take the time to really look around, to enjoy this beautiful country & appreciate how lucky I am to live here.

  • I am going to appreciate my newborn son and enjoy every minute with him and my husband. He will grow up so quick and you really have to be thankful for every moment spent with them.

  • don’t take things so seriously all the time. Have fun, goof around with the kids, who cares if the dishes don’t get done, these are the memories your kids will remember

  • One way to seek more wonder and inspiration is to remember to stop and really look at what is happening around you: watch the bird sitting in the tree, the children playing, people as they go about their daily activities.

  • I love taking the time to watch my little grandkids discover something new, it’s like seeing things I am familiar with in a whole new light!

  • I’m trying to focus more on family and unplug. By focusing on being IN the moment instead of documenting it I will find new inspiration and enjoyment.

  • In 2014, I am so looking forward to a New Year…I’m not afraid to say yes to try new things, and not afraid to say No to demands of others who have only their own best interests in mind. Come on, we all have at least one of those! 🙂 I am at a happy place in my life and am fortunate to be able to say so! 🙂 Make sure to take time out for you, mentally and physically, not selfish, but necessary!

  • Lately i have been visiting with my mother in law who is visiting from romania. I don;t speak romanian and she speaks no english but we manage to communicate and visit. I love to see her making ravioli’s the traditional way with my 2 kids! It is amazing how we take for granted the simple pleasures of cooking as i watch bunica make every meal from scratch. As there are no mix masters and blenders back home. Everything is done by hand and with love!

  • I plan on doing two things. First, read more. It opens your eyes to new worlds. Second, now that my granddaughter started school, she’s so full of energy and conversation on the phone. I plan on extra calls with her to an old world new again.

  • I am hoping to be more patient and not let little things bug me at work or with my hubby :). I think this will make my life a lot simpler and fun!

  • being more open to experiences, take in the little things that you normally wouldn’t. be still. this is a great giveaway!

  • We decided that this year we ARE finally taking a Family Road Trip to see some of our relatives that cannot travel and see us while taking in some sights as well

  • I want to put the phone down, computer away, and turn the tv off and just enjoy being with my beautiful family.

  • I seek inspiration outdoors in nature while gardening and going on walks. I also get inspired surfing the net, reading quotes and enjoying imaginative ideas and creations posted on Pinterest.

  • All I have to do is watch my little girl grow and it fills me with all the wonder and inspiration for a lifetime

  • I can find more inspiration by actually going to take photographs of nature. I find that it makes me feel really calm and is a time for my mind to be quiet which often leads to bursts of inspiration!

  • slowing down, rewarding myself with ME TIME…. taking a break, ( not with a kit kat lol ) this would be an awesome win! Thanks

  • I plan on meditating 10-15 minutes per day in 2014 and I do believe meditation opens your mind to being more open to see the wonder and inspiration around you.

  • I need to start seeing things through my daughter’s eyes. She is so full of wonder and amazement at the simplist things. For example she was thrilled with the boxes for Christmas – she didn’t care if the gift was $2 or $200!

  • Just reminding myself that every cloud has a silver lining, and if you look for them. They really do!

  • Reading about Betty Ann’s holiday time somehow reminds me of my Dad. All this cold and snow make me think how much he would have loved the outdoors this year. He would have been in awe at how much snow we have this winter. Enough snow that kids were able to build snow forts which he would have been the first to suggest to get outside to build. He loved gathering everyone outside just to show us the deer tracks or taking us for sled rides. It truly would not have mattered to him how cold it was as he never seem to notice. Dad passed 5 years ago now, so for him I don’t complain about the snow or the cold, too much 🙂 For me , the absolute beauty of “too much snow” balances my soul. The cold reminds me to appreciate the warmth of our home. Funny how my dad gave me that gift.

  • Be Childlike and Laugh, I love Wayne Dyer and this was a good reminder to just bring out the child and wonder inside of you each day!

  • By setting aside technology once a week and getting back to the basics, enjoying family time and the outdoors!

  • I have made it my goal to journal every day. Working hard to stay in the”now” and not worry so much!

  • I read this post and her actual New Year’s post and honestly, it’s a constant reminder we all need. To live in the moment, appreciate the little things and face every day like we did when we were kids. Easier said then done!

  • I will be making a more conscious effort to spend time away from electronics – crafting, sewing, redecorating, etc!

  • I think I’m going to make a real effort to just live in the moment with my friends and family. Try to be present in it.

  • Live large in the moment ! My father in law passed today life is over so quickly enjoy those whom are in your life now.

  • Living in moment – not thinking about what you just did or what happened or what’s next. Just being right where you are right now and living it.

  • I can do more things that nuture me, such as buying flowers, getting enough exercise and sleep and saying no when I need to.

  • To travel more. I have never been to Montreal and would love to go. My daughter is going there for a vacation in the summer and I really think I am going to book a flight to join her there.

  • I think spending time with children allows you to see the wonder in the world through their eyes. I volunteer with an organization that goes into elementary schools and teaches kids to grow and cook their own food and I love how excited they get with each new step.

  • Trying new things, meeting new people, going to new places. All of this will open new aspect of life. Good luck in 2014!

  • i want this year to be about growing and trying new things with the family and on my own ,, allowing myself time for me to do things without the kids and feel good about doing it!

  • I plan on just living in the moment-without trying to capture it. Being fully present in those small moments gives way to a lot of wonder

  • We are going on three important family vacations this year. One is just our little family unit, and the others are with grandparents as well. There is going to be lots “wonder seeking” and I am sure each of the three generation will take different inspiration from our adventures. 🙂

  • Having been through the “Flood of 2013” for our little town; I am resolved to enjoy and appreciate the simply and wonderful things of every day life.

  • reframe situations – taking the dog for a walk might seem like a chore for me, but it is the highlight of the day for my pup!

  • Be more open and trying different things and they new thing I’m looking forward to see being a grandma.

  • I plan to seek wonder and inspiration in 2014 by slowing down. My family spends so much time rushing around, from here to there, trying to fit so much into our free time. I want us to just slow down a bit, and I’m sure we’ll start experiencing wonder and inspiration.

  • I am almost 40 years old – and I feel like I am in a huge rut .. I want to be different this year. I want to be fearless and step out of my comfort zone and I want to be inspired by my curiosity rather than my lack of willingness to participate !

  • I’ve been working on stopping and breathing during the hustle and bustle of a busy day. Sometimes that deep breath of cold fresh air while on a park bench is all it takes to refresh and focus. It might sound little- but it is a huge step in working on my social anxiety. Its a good day when I can take in my surroundings without freaking out!

  • I don’t have kids, but I have cats, and I love observing them. They can have the most interesting perspective. A tiny patch of light on the floor becomes the perfect spot to sun yourself and keep warm. A chair can become a “cave” when you head under it. A box! Oh, a box is everything! The sense of wonder and play is so alive in them. They find ways to be warm, and comfortable and enjoy life all the time. It’ s something I strive to do as well. My sister and I had a long conversation about opportunities and mindfully living, and that is my goal for this year. To be open to opportunities. To stretch myself. It’s only a few weeks into the month and already I have been interviewed on TV twice! That’s stretching and being open!

  • My wonder is squelched so much by worry. I just need to let it go and understand that I need a balance between trying to fix or control what is broken (mostly healthwise) and just accepting what CANT be changed or fixed.

  • I want to take at least one half hour of my day and listen to the silence that surrounds my home. We moved to the east coast to open a bed and breakfast and have worked so long and hard that I feel that a year has just zipped by without relishing the real reason why we moved out here in the first place. No traffic, a view of the ocean and the freshest air you’ve ever inhaled! I want the second half of my life to start with a new beginning.

  • One of my favorite quotes is from Tom Robbins and it’s “It’s never too late to have a happy childhood” and I truly believe it. It’s never too late to try something new or with me I love “retrying” things when my kids try something for the first time. I let my daughter drive around a parking lot the other day and it was so fun to see her excited, a little scared and proud when she did well.

  • By not fretting over the small things in life. Life is too short. Make every day a fun and happy one. Smile and give someone a hug!

  • living through our youngest child’s eyes helps to see wonder every day, and my children are always my inspiration!

  • Always be in wonder of the world around you! Hear the wind, listen to the birds sing – be aware of your surrounding & enjoy life.

  • I think taking up something creative (drawing, writing, photography, collecting), no matter how amateur, is an excellent way to help you start to notice and even capture the wonders around you. I feel like it works in many folds. You can enjoy and revel in the moment AT that moment, look back on the piece later and re-live said moment, and also appreciate the thing you’ve created. It doesn’t even matter how creative you may or may not be.

  • I just finished a certificate program this past summer. I have moved on to another. I don’t think I ever want to leave or dismiss going to school. It is the best thing I have ever done for body and brain.

  • Stand outside in a quiet area and close your eyes. Breathe deeply and become aware of the sounds and the scents of nature. So calming…..puts everything in perspective. You don’t have to go far either….your back yard ….

  • My family and I are new immigrants in Winnipeg. Its not easy because I am not used to this kind of weather but we’re here and I cannot do anything to change that. So I decided to enjoy the scenery and took a picture of those ICEBERGS (wink) to share it with friends back home. Anyway I am here in Winnipeg might as well enjoy the winter season than fretting about it.

  • Giving More and Asking Less. I try and pay it forward as much as I can. It makes the world a better place. We could all be kinder.

  • For me there are three sure ways to inspire and experience a sense of WONDER:

    TRAVEL, NATURE, BABIES/CHILDREN will all fill you with an authentic sense of wonder – especially if you take the time (and in some cases discipline!) to open your eyes, your heart and yes, your mind. When take the time to really see and experience all of the genuine miracles that surround us you can’t help but be in awe.

    And maybe the most amazing thing is that it is endless and infinite: you can never run out of a sense of wonder because it’s momentary satisfaction is also it’s simultaneous renewal.

  • You guys need to read Betty’s linked post. It really is full truth and so inspiring. Wow, she is a superb writer!

  • I would grab my sketch pad and pencils (actually purchase a new set of pencils, I need them) and perhaps go to the Art Museum and sit and sketch. Better yet I would buy a new easel (a french on that I can carry with my paints, brushes and pallet) and find a place in nature to paint.

  • I agree so much with the post by Betty Ann, I think I survive being so sick in Chronic Pain, with my laughter and always being childlike with wonder… as I marvel at the world around me. I really do believe it helps bring others some joy as well, anyhow life is too short to be taken to seriously. Stop, not only smell the roses… touch & feel, look & see, listen and hear… it’s an amazing world that we live in.

  • I am a firm believer that you need to slow down and enjoy the little things in life. When you look back, it’s the little things that are really the big moments in life. I try to see the wonder in everyday situations. It just gives you a much better out look on life.

  • I just want to keep creating as many things as I can from as many different outlooks as I can see. Whether it is from my children, nature, my bonds… all of these things will fuel beautiful ideas.

  • I’m having the same problem try to enter (claim) my tweet to Betty-Ann) Again I’ve tried 3 or 4 times and it seems to take when I click on enter – but then bounces back with nothing – and no credit for the entry. When I started trying to enter (claim) these completed entries – the Rafflecopter showed over 4 hours remaining before this (VERY generous – thank you!) giveaway closed. Now it say 1:32 minutes left to enter. So I’ve spent the better part of 2+ hours trying to enter! Very frustrating.

    Anyway – here is the link to the tweet:

    Thanks again – and again wishing you and yours a wonder-filled New Year!