Have you heard the buzz about this new documentary series by Hank Azaria? If not, let me be the first to introduce you to it!
Hank Azaria’s touching, humorous, and often enlightening journey from a man who is not even sure he wants to have kids, to expectant father, to father of a premature boy struggling for his life… and then to a regular ‘ol Dad facing all the normal joys, trials and tribulations of being a father, now comes to life in this unique new series featuring leading actors, comedians and child-rearing experts teaching us new lessons!
I love this. Love that men, dads, are sitting down and talking about fatherhood in a way women of course have been talking about motherhood for hundreds of years. Bryan Cranston, Kevin Bacon, Mike Myers and more share insight on fatherhood in a way only they can of course!
I’m kind of loving Episode 2: Standoffs, Tantrums today. Take a moment to watch “Fatherhood” on AOL here sometime soon, I think you’ll like it too!
Sounds like there could be a few good laughs in it. Definitely going to pass it on to someone I know feeling the same way right about now.
never heard of it, will have to check it out, thx!
Awesome! It is about time we got men’s side of the fatherhood and parenthood stories! Should be enlightening with a few laughs along the way! We will have to check it out.
i have never heard of it but definitely want to check it out!!!
amazing! I love that it highlights fatherhood!
Finally something on fatherhood! Fathers are often forgotten so this is such a refreshing thing to see. And Hank’s not too bad on the eye either
That sounds interesting! I really want to watch it.
This is the first I have heard of this, will have to check it out!
This is a first for me as well. Off to watch.
interesting; just checked it out
This sounds really cute! I’ll have to check it out!
This was the first lol This is right up my alley being a mommy to 10 =) I have a strong feeling I won;t be able to stop laughing =) Thank you for making me aware =)
i have never heard of it,but i bet it will bring some funny moments…will check it out
I’ve never heard of it but sounds cute.
Thanks for sharing!
I haven’t heard of it, but it sounds like it’s definitely worth checking out.
like that the focus is on the often faceless father’s that are involved in parenting.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks very enlightening- quite the story.
Looks like a very funny look at parenthood from a dads perspective which is refreshing as we don’t hear much from men on this subject.
I’m a big fan of Hank Azaria, so I’m really looking forward to seeing this!
I’ve not heard of the series but after seeing the clip I will check it out. Being a Dad of 3 it is awesome to see other Dads sharing their thoughts on being a parent.
Ha, I like it. He is also a great voice actor in the simpsons!
I haven’t heard of this show before but Sara and I love Hank Azaria…hugely underrated actor! Great to see the Dads are getting together and talking.
looks fun!
Very funny and realistic.
thanks for sharing, its something I will check out
Hmm.. Never seen it, THINK I had heard of it.. I’ll check it out
Thanks for sharing
I’ve heard of it, but have yet to see it. I love anything Hank Azaria is in.