Families and schools get top marks for environmental responsibility, according to a recent study conducted by Staples Canada and Vision Critical. Four out of five Canadian middle school and secondary students gave their peers, families and schools an above-average grade (A+, A or B) for sustainability efforts.
Environmental responsibility is important to almost all Canadian secondary school students (98%). Among those surveyed, 91% said they personally recycle, reusing lunch and grocery bags (62%), and conserve electricity (61%) to help support the environment.
“It’s clear that students across the country care deeply about the environment,” said Steve Matyas, president of Staples Canada. “We feel that Canadian students, our future leaders, should be rewarded for their stewardship and passion. Having the latest technology will not only help them succeed, but will help them connect, share ideas and develop networks of passionate youth who are driven by environmental responsibility.”
Staples Canada, in collaboration with Earth Day Canada, is bringing back the Recycle for Education Computer Lab Contest for the fourth straight year, to recognize students and schools that are doing their part to protect our planet. The contest launches January 6 and runs until February 21, 2014.
“The Staples Canada Recycle for Education Computer Lab Contest recognizes the efforts of students, teachers and administrators in minimizing the environmental impact of their school operations,” said Jed Goldberg, president of Earth Day Canada. “We are proud to partner with Staples Canada on this initiative and look forward to learning how the winning schools will use their new technology to expand their environmental work.”
The contest will offer schools a chance to win one of 10 computer labs valued at $25,000 each by submitting an entry detailing their green efforts. Additional contest details and entry forms are available at staples.ca/recycleforeducation. Winning schools will be announced in early May.
The groups that Canadian students gave passing eco-grades (A+ to B) to are supporting the environment primarily through recycling (93%), reusing lunch and grocery bags (73%), conserving electricity (73%), using alternative transport to cars (62%), using less water (60%), and conserving energy with better air conditioning and heating controls (55%). According to the survey, the top things those receiving poor eco-grades should be doing to support the environment are recycling (50%) and conserving electricity (45%).
To help those in need of a bump in their grade, Staples Canada offers several in-store recycling programs where customers can bring back used batteries, electronics, writing instruments and ink and toner cartridges. Staples Canada also encourages schools across the country to participate in their ink bin program by signing up to receive a free ink cartridge collection bin. Upon filling the bin, Staples Canada collects the contents for recycling, free of charge.
Taylor Elementary School in Swan River, MB is active in recycling and participating in green spaces in their playground. They also embrace technology within the classroom. This terrific school would benefit from a win like this. Thanks FF& F and Staples for the chance to win.
Here at MacEwan University we do have a large green initiative. Love schools that care about their environment.
what an awesome contest! my daughter doesnt go to school yet but this is amazing for any school to win
Yes, my children/s school recycles pop cans, etc.
My son’s school only does limited recycling
My daughter’s school recycles.
My kids’ school recycles paper, cardboard, cans, etc.
The schools in our areas do recycle. This would be an amazing prize for any school to win.
The schools in my area all recycle. Some more than others I think
The schools in my area all recycle.
Yes, it does!
We’re in a National park so I was raised to recycle! It is definitely a priority at schools here.
My nieces school does
All of the schools my girls attended were actively recycling!
Sadly NO! our area is under Red Deer County. They say they don’t have the money for recycling. Alberta Recycling will not get involved because they say it is up to Red Deer County. Thus, no one seems to care that 1000 of homes have not recycling option other than to drive 40 KM to the dump. Which as a family we do but you can imagine most don’t. In fact we are even known to take all our Glass to Calgary’s recycle because their is definitely no glass recycle anywhere near Red Deer. Do I sound like I am venting?
Im not sure about recycling at my daughters university . But I know we do at home we have to buy tags they isn’t 3.00 a bag for garbage so less is better
Yes we do!
Yes.All the schools in my area re-cycle.
My son is in Nursery School and I’m not sure if they do recycle.
My sons school recycles everything from cans to paper products! They are also encouraging parents to use reusable packaging in the kids’ lunches.
My little ones are not in school yet but I certainly hope I choose a school that is environmentally responsible and teaches them to love as such.
All the schools my children have been at recycle.
what great opportunity for schools!
What a fantastic contest and way to encourage recycling!
As far as I know everything is recycled.
I think they recycle alot
My school did recycle
Yes they do. And wow just in drink containers alone is alot. They even encourage parents to consider what the kids bring their lunched in stuff that can go home and be washed instead of thrown in the garbage
We recycle as much as we can. What a great project/contest.
yes they do, have been for awhile now, which is good
I am not in school right now, nor do I have any children. When I was working as a teacher, we had the children bring in recyclables every week!
My daughter goes to Belton Middle School in SC & yes they do recycle! I think its great they do
Yep!! Anything garbage they need to bring home!
When my kids were in school, yes we did recycle, so its been going on for awhile.
It seems like it does!
Yep, there are recycling containers throughout the entire school!
No one in our house hold is in school, but I visit events that take place at our local facility. From what I see, they are participating.
My daughter’s school recycles.
Camosun College at Interrurban recycles!
Our school does recycle, the school motto is, “Be the Change you wish to see.”
Yes, my grandchildren/s school recycles pop cans, etc.
I don’t go to school.
My daughter is no longer in school, but her schools did have recycling programs.
Yes my daughter’s school recycle’s paper, cans and organics
they recycle everything that can be in our area. there are just as many bins as kids!
Yes our school recycles
My daughter’s schools (elementary, jr high and high school) have had recycling programs, and encouraged the kids to bring more recyclables instead of garbage. Her jr high band would do can & bottle drives for fundraising as well.
yes my school recycles
My son school have limited program for recycling
That is awesome. What a great opportunity! My sons school is really big on recycling!
What a great idea for schools. All my children are older and are out of school but when my granddaughters go I hope that recycling is a part of their school.
More schools should do this. I don’t think ours does.
Our school recycles
Our school definitely recycles. They even have a bottle program where the families can bring in bottles/cans and when they are returned, the deposits goes to the school.
Our school recycles
Yes, all the schools in our area recycle.
yes it does!
yes our school recycles
Yes, we do!
All of my children have graduated from secondary school. All of the schools, from elementary and on up, they attended had recycling programs. I am unaware if their colleges they are attending have them. I will have to ask.
Our school does really well, I am happy to say, they recycle
Yes, it does.
Yes the school recycles.