Giveaways and Reviews

Singing In The Rain-Shower

Rejuvenator LogoBy Tara Richter…

After a long day and exhausting day of moving boxes and getting settled into my new condo this past June, the first thing I wanted to do was take a nice hot shower. As I stepped under the stream of water I was quickly disappointed as it felt more like a gentle mist than a relaxing shower. Not only was I left feeling cold, it took far too long to rinse the lather of soap off my skin and out of my thick curly hair.

The-Rejuvenator-Shower-Head-1024x429When I started using the Rejuvenator Microbubble Shower Head, I didn’t immediately notice anything ‘different’ except that I was able to rinse soap a lot faster and finally had some water pressure due to the included diverter which allows for the use of one’s original shower head in addition to the Rejuvenator. After about 3 weeks of using the Rejuvenator however, I did begin to notice that my hair and skin started feeling much nicer, and that consistently felt much more alert and refreshed after showering. In fact, I find myself taking a quick 2-3 minute shower just to ‘wake up’ in the evenings or on days when I’m feeling fatigued & sluggish.

The Rejuvenator shower head works through what is called the Venturi Effect and Microbubble Technology which consistently deliver billions of Microbubbles through the stream of water. Microbubbles have been used in various fields from hot springs, medical, food processing, agriculture and fish farming. Unlike regular bubbles, the micro bubbles continuously burst and disappear in complete dissolution in the water.

What does this mean for you while you shower? Below are some of the key features & benefits you can look forward to.

Key Features:

  1. Self-cleaning jets with full coverage spray
  2. Uses 30-40% less water than traditional shower heads
  3. Included diverter for dual shower installation
  4. Easy to install, no tools required

Benefits of Microbubble Technology:

  1. Charged with anions (negatively charged ion) that attracts positively charged dust & dirt molecules & allows them to be washed away from skin’s surface
  2. Accelerates the healing of numerous skin afflictions (dry, oily, eczema etc)
  3. Believed to increase the texture & volume of hair and even promote new growth
  4. Carries oxygen and high concentrations of negative ions providing natural spring-like effect, cleaning the air, elevates endorphins and prompts fatigue recovery
  5. Effective in skin disease improvement & aging prevention
  6. Deep cleaning of skin without using soap

Why not give someone the feel of an every-day spa in their very own home by giving the Rejuvenator shower head this holiday season. As indicated in the benefits above, this shower would make a great gift for anyone suffering from any type of skin ailment, those interested in water conservation, as well as those looking for a pick-me-up of endorphins to relieve fatigue.

In the US you can find the Rejuvenator products right on their site or at (I checked and they don’t ship this product to Canada from Amazon).  If ordering direct from the Rejuvenator website, note that shipping is $28 to Canada.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tara blogger bio feisty frugal and fabulous


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