Giveaways and Reviews

Skill Development with HP and Creative IQ

creative IQ and HP PrinterEarlier this month I shared a post about my new HP Rove 20 desktop (or is it?) computer and our fun techie adventure as a family. We’ve been downloading and learning about a ton of Windows Apps and I’ve been thoroughly enjoying having a desk top in my office!

Along with the HP Envy Rove 20, I have a brand new HP Envy 5530 e-All-in-One printer that has been such a help these past few months preparing for a huge semi-annual consignment sale!  It didn’t let me down once, always printing flawlessly with no jams, no network issues and with a ton of ink left after a month of work.

I was also sent a book called Creative IQ with wealth of information and ideas for parents and teachers to plan fun projects to enhance learning and skill development.  Many projects are for elementary school age and above but we found several ways to incorporate them at home with my preschooler and toddler as well.

We looked at “Develop Improvisation, Planning and Implementation Skills: Order Anything You Want From My Restaurant“, sounds fancy right?  Basically this activity involves choosing menu items with prices, creating the menu, then incorporating it into role playing in a pretend restaurant setting, adding up the bill, and more.  Since my girls are a little young for some of the activities, we improvised.  I used clip-art and selected items they were familiar with, then printed out a menu with easy to read words underneath.  My 5 year old is learning to read so this was a fun activity to encourage that.

My 2-year-old played the picky customer (because she fits the role perfectly) with my 5-year-old being the restaurant owner.  They had fun switching roles later too.

I was surprised how a simple activity like creating and then printing a menu on the HP Envy 5530 e All-in-One could entertain the kids.  It added a new element to their restaurant play time, and helped my 5 year old with letter and word recognition.  Great idea, thanks to Creative IQ!

HP restaurant

The products to complete the HP Brain Training Challenge activities are supplied by HP Canada and Creative IQ™.


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