Giveaways and Reviews

How Do You Get Your Daily Dose of Delicious?

Moms typically tend to put themselves last. We see it in commercials, movies, and certainly among our friends when chatting about the day-to-day events in our lives. I encounter it myself all the time, maybe because I’m more aware of how often I tend to bump myself down the priority list so when I do it – yet again – I take note.

A recent study shared that nearly 60 per cent of Canadian moms say they simply don’t have enough time to take care of themselves, and a whopping 70 per cent don’t even rank themselves as the top three priorities in their life! I get that we love giving to our family but if no one takes care of mom…who will be left to take care of those we love the most if we’re gone?

I know it’s hard, I’m struggling with it just as much as you, but I really feel that we need to start taking some steps to take better care of ourselves right now, lest we look back five years from now and say, “I should have really taken better care of myself when I had the chance.” Ouch, right?

coffee and a bookI was chatting with a friend about it just a few days ago – we both listed ways we were not taking care of ourselves and made an agreement to change that. For my part, I’m going to do little things to start. Face cream every morning and night. Reading more (I love reading on my deck in the summer). Settling in and watching one of my favorite shows when I can find the time. These are all ways we can get our daily dose of delicious – little things that make us happier and ultimately in the end healthier too.

halls-new-imageOne way I’m trying to feel better is by taking vitamins. New HALLS Vitamin Drops (Vitamin D and Antioxidant) are easy ways to get a daily dose of delicious from a brand that’s already known well. Now you can get a vitamin boost in a tasty little treat that easily slips into your purse or diaper bag.

HALLS Antioxidant Vitamin Drops in Pomegranate Berry and Vitamin D drops in Tropical Pineapple both taste delicious with a little bit of menthol in the middle for some extra zing. My husband loves HALLS – like loves them to the point of buying them when he’s not sick – so I knew he’d love these and I was right. I love that he can take better care of himself with this product – his own daily dose of delicious. Wait, what was that I said about moms making sure everyone else is taken care of first? Scratch that, my HALLS Vitamin Drops are going in MY purse.

Interested in getting your own daily dose of delicious with HALLS? Twenty (20!) of my readers are going to receive a bag of HALLS Vitamin Drops! This sampling opportunity is only open for a short time so use the Rafflecopter form below to get your entries in!

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I am helping to inject a Daily Dose of Delicious into Canadians’ lives with new HALLS Vitamin Drops. This post is sponsored by our friends at HALLS. I received compensation as part of my affiliation in the program. All opinions on this blog are my own.


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