Giveaways and Reviews

The Reviews Are In – Hawaiian Tropic Silk Hydration is a Winner!

Hawaiian Tropic Silk Hydration

About a month ago, I gave 25 of my readers the opportunity to rate and review Hawaiian Tropic Silk Hydration Sunscreen Lotion and After-Sun Moisturizer!  I love freebies and handing out 25 of them is amazing (thank you Hawaiian Tropic!)

Here is just a sampling of some of the feedback received from my 25 reviewers!

“I love the smell of Hawaiian Tropic. It brings back childhood memories of going to the beach and playing on a baseball team.” – Ashleigh S.

“The after sun moisturizer was what I really liked! It has aloe gel ribbons throughout it which would help sooth any spots that you may have missed with the sunscreen, as well as took care of a few itchy spots I had after being scratched by weeds. I used this after my shower instead of my regular body lotion and did an equal or better job of moisturizing.” Beth W.

“At first glance, both the sunscreen and moisturizer look really interesting with hydrating ribbons running through it. Both of my daughters loved the ribbons and declared them “sparkly”! (always a plus in our household of three daughters).” – Sharon S.

“The scent, the non greasy formula, and the amazing instant cooling relief from the after sun moisturizer is amazing!” – Crystal E.

“They both rubbed in to the skin very smoothly and were absorbed very quickly! They feel very light and are surprisingly not very greasy/oily compared to other sunscreens/moisturizers, which I love about them!” – Johanne P.

“It rubbed in very quickly and easily with little effort. No white streaks that you couldn’t rub in. That’s important. I got myself situated in the backyard and my hands were immediately clean enough to start reading with my Kobo. That’s important too!” – Shonna B.

One of my readers also won a $50 Visa Gift Card simply by submitting a review (winner selected from all reviews submitted!) Congratulations to Samantha H, who said:

“First thing i noticed when I tried it on was how smooth it was. It blended into my skin so quickly and didn’t leave any white sunscreen residue. It didn’t feel like putting on sunscreen at all. There was none of the stickiness or plasticky feel that some sunscreens have and it felt dry to the touch almost immediately.”

Keep an eye on your email Samantha!

Thank you to everyone who tried these products and submitted a review, I’m genuinely thankful for your participation!


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