Giveaways and Reviews

NutriExtra Extraordinary Oil

NUTRIEXTRA EXTRAORDINARY OILHave you been hearing buzz about dry oil? It’s been on my radar since last year, and of course with summer upon us the product is seen more in commercials and magazine ads.

So what is a dry oil?  Essentially, it’s a light oil that is in the form of a mist and applied to the skin in the form of a spray (though I’ve tried it in bottle form as well).  I prefer dry oil in a spray form as it’s easier to apply and it feels lighter. It is called dry because it is a lighter type of oil that leaves a satin, rather than slick finish.

Now, here’s the very cool thing about Vichy’s NutriExtra Extraordinary Oil.  Most dry oils are made with a silicone which gives it that slippery feel.  However, because of that silicone, Scientists say the molecules cannot be absorbed past the upper skin cells because they are too large.

Formulated without the use of silicones, NutriExtra Extraordinary Oil is a combination of plant-derived raw materials (ester and plant oils) specially selected for their cosmetic qualities and for their ability to penetrate the epidermis.

Lightweight and dry to the touch, the unique texture of Extraordinary Oil makes it possible to wear clothes immediately after application while providing intense and long-lasting well-being for dry and sensitive skin types.

Just look at the 9 oils packed into this product:

1. PASSION FRUIT KERNEL OIL: Highly nourishing and emollient
2. CORIANDER OIL: to facilitate application
3. Nourishing and anti free radical BLACK CURRANT SEED OIL
4. Moisturizing, emollient and revitalising APRICOT KERNEL OIL
5. Extremely emollient and perfectly absorbed MACADAMIA OIL
6. DOG ROSE OIL: which contributes to skin suppleness
7. Extremely moisturizing JOJOBA OIL
8. Softening, nourishing and anti oxidant SUNFLOWER OIL
9. Highly anti oxidant and softening RICE BRAN OIL

I’ve been using this dry oil for a few weeks, when I remember to apply! You’re supposed to apply it right after getting out of the shower for best absorption, but I forget.  I remember, however, when I’m sitting on my deck, for example, and see what looks like a crocodile skin on my legs!  Oh my!  A quick spray and rub in of this oil keeps that crocodile at  bay.

Since this product is for your face (I can’t overcome my resistance to oil applied on my face yet), body and hair – I simply wipe whatever excess I have on my hands onto my hair (using it as my towel in a sense!) which feels great.

I was trying to find a description of the amazing scent of this product.  From the press materials I received, it’s described as “a subtle fragrance of sunny vacations, delicately weaving together notes of Ylang-Ylang, Bergamot, Almond and Orange Blossom.”  Hmm – they hire great writers because if I were describing it I’d say it smells like vanilla and root bear!  I know, not the best description but it’s amazing – sweet, sunny and fun for sure!

Look for Vichy Nutriextra Extraordinary Oil at drugstores across Canada including Shoppers Drug Mart and London Drugs at a suggested retail price of $29.50/125ml spray.



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  • I am terrible at remembering to apply lotion, oil, etc. after a shower. A spray might help that. Plus, I like the idea of smelling like a root beer float.

  • I would like to try this oil as it would be so easy and quick to use compared to the other lotion I use plus the smell sounds yummy.

  • I would love to try this because being disabled I would be able to apply this myself instead of relying on other people to do it. AND the smell sounds so good!!

  • I love the way you described it . Vanilla and rootbeer –,two of my favorite things:) I haven’t tried a dry oil yet — would like to see how it works.

  • This sounds like a great change to the post shower routine! And sounds like it smells delicious!

  • Ive had great experience with Vichy products and sounds like this would be next to try for me:) thanks for the insight

  • I would love to try this because I have crocodile skin as well…lol. And I would love to see how it smells!

  • I’m looking for a new oil to keep my skin soft and smelling good. The one I am currently using does not absorb right into my skin

  • I have never heard of dry oils before. My legs tend to get dry, especially in the summer with shaving. Seems like an interesting product.

  • I currently use baby oil in the shower, but its so messy. I think it would be cool to try something in spray form.

  • I have never tried an oil spray. I don’t like the feel of oil but this sounds like it would be worth the try!

  • i have tried the oils from the body shop and like them, this one sounds interesting and I like the idea of no silicones

  • I tried a Palmer’s oil spray but I found it rather greasy. I always have to make a conscious effort not to sit on anything or touch anything while it’s “drying”. I would love to try this though! 🙂

  • I would love to try this oil as I had a similar experience as you did when I was sitting outside with my shorts on the other day and looked down at my legs. Yikes. I am also very intrigued by the scent, you made it sound heavenly.

  • My friend has this and it is so amazing smelling, I love it, and to spray the whole body takes such little time compared to using lotions. If I win I promise not to “sneak” a few sprays of hers when I’m at her house!

  • I would love to win this as I have been wanting to try one of these oils and Vichy is a brand I trust.

  • My legs and upper arms are really dry (flaky dry), and I’ve never tried dry oil so maybe it will work better than my usual moisturizer.

  • I would love to try this. It seems like it would be so convenient and very effective. I am actually very curious about it now! 😉

  • Id love to try this, my skin is really sensitive and I’ve never used a spray oil before plus I love Vichy!!!

  • I would love to try this as I have never even heard of it till you mentioned it! LOL It sounds like a great product and very convenient! It would probably help me remember to moisturize! Sometimes I forget because it’s such a task that takes a long time to do my whole body. (I have really dry skin). Plus who doesn’t want to smell like a root beer float? YUMMY!

  • I have dry skin and have deliberately avoided products because of oily textures. This ‘dry oil’ product sounds like a great alternative, plus the scent would be very agreeable.

  • I would love to try this and see if it works just as well on my dry skin. Plus an added bonus is all the amazing natural oils in it

  • Id like to try this because it sounds so nice! So nice and soothing to the skin, easier to use and convenient! I don’t remember lotion and this would be perfect for after bath or shower!

  • I get super dry skin on my upper arms, resulting in those awful red bumps.. nothing seems to works to get rid of them, this sounds like it could well do the trick!

  • Having never tried a dry oil this would give me the opportunity to do so. Now all I need is luck,lol

  • I think it would be great to use on a holiday – great for the after sunburn flaking skin. Lock in the moisture!

  • The scent sounds lovely, Vichy products are usually quite wonderful and I definitely need all the skin moisturization I can get!

  • I’d love to try it because I have never tried a dry oil before. I have horribly dry skin on my arms and legs and this seems like it would be great for that.

  • I’ve started putting oils in my hair and on my skin, and I love how great my skin feels! I’d love to try this new product!

  • Id like to win because I have never heard of dry oil and it would be interesting to try.

  • I would love to win as it would help my dry skin also being a spray it would be easier to apply. I’ve been using an oil in my hair to help with the dryness but never thought about using one for my skin.

  • I would love to win because I have heard good things about this product and would love to try it

  • My skin has changed over the past decade and gone from oily to dry/sensitive and gets extremely dry when seasons change.

  • Nice to hear of an oil you can use that wouldn’t stain your clothes – especially of you have a lot of hair.

  • My skin is so changing mid life…I would love to try this! I have never heard of dry oils before.

  • I LOVE vichy products. I don’t think any other brand compares to their products. I’d love to try this extraordinary oil because my skin needs extraordinary help. I think I’m allergic to a bunch of my foundations – 3 of them make my face FLAKE and give me rashes on my hands (I use a foundation brush). I’m sure this product will help heal my patchy, scaly face.

  • This oil sounds like my wife would love it. With all the natural oils this would be a product to really help with dry skin.

  • I’ve never heard of this before but I can see my skin being really dried out when winter approaches. Also it sounds like it smells great!
    Thank You!! 🙂

  • I love that this oil is spray-on! My skin always gets a bit dry in the summer, I would love to try this alternative to traditional body lotions! Thanks for the chance to win 🙂

  • I’d like to try this product as I love dry oils! My dry skin could use it.
    Thanks for the chance!

  • I’ve tried a similar product a couple years ago and it was for the body. It was a European version of a brand we can get here, just not the product (at the time). I loved it! But sadly, it was part of a friend’s “everything you need after the shower, is right here” and I couldn’t take it with me! I would love to re-try a similar product…it was heavenly.