Giveaways and Reviews

Children’s Place – Perfect For A Day In The Park!

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I was chatting with a friend today about how  happy everyone seems to be after our first official warm spring weekend.  It’s like mother nature flipped a switch and the weekend changed our awful spring weather into beautiful this-is-almost-summer weather!  And, with that, parents rushed into the stores to finally get some spring and summer clothes!  I can’t blame them for waiting – who wants to shop for cute capris and tanks when the snow is flying outside?

Thanks to The Children’s Place and a gift card to go shopping, I have been stocked up on spring and summer clothes for awhile!  I needed to be – with our Orlando trip to Walt Disney World happening this week, I had to ensure we had everything we needed ahead of time to avoid the last-minute rush.

The Childrens Place gift card giveaway

How adorable are all these pieces I picked for the girls?!  I know, I know, my son got some adorable items too (including this awesome fedora hat!) but the collage looked cuter with this stuff!  😉

Aside from the (awesome) prices I find at The Children’s Place, I love how I can always mix and match items which enables me to create several outfits from a few key pieces.

I couldn’t resist the Cha Cha Tank Top and matching Knit Ruffle Shorts for my toddler, then of course all the other pieces like the Matchables Tank Tops, and Matchables Shorts mix and match so well!

I had to get the print Print Active Halter Top and Active Skort for my 5 year old, it’s so her!  The other two tanks and skorts seen above are also all part of the Matchables collection from The Children’s Place!  It’s so easy to plan outfits this way!

The Children's Place spring outfitsThese items and more are already packed for Orlando, but I had to snap a picture of my toddler (2) trying on some her new hot-weather-items from The Children’s Place!  I’d say this girl is park-ready, wouldn’t you?


One of my readers is going to win a $25 Gift Card from The Children’s Place to help you in your spring and summer clothes shopping!  To enter, just use the Rafflecopter form below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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