Giveaways and Reviews

The Teething Baby

boiron camilia teething

With three kids over 7 years, I don’t profess to be a mommy-expert but I can say that I’ve experienced (almost) it all.  My kids each had their own baby characteristics that – years from now – will enable a much older and tired mom to tell them apart with ease.  My youngest’s baby pictures capture all the moments where she has gotten herself into yet another thing she had no business touching (baby powder, diaper rash cream, chocolate bars in the pantry, you get the picture).  My middle child introduced us to the world of food allergies – her pictures are characterized by hives (poor boo!) and birthday cakes void of dairy or nuts (rice krispie cake worked!)

My oldest child, seen above, was the one who reacted to everything intensely.  When he was mad – you knew it!  When he was tired, look out!  He was our eczema baby and we had to be careful about what products we used.  He was also a horrible teether.  You know that baby?  That was mine.

CamiliaEvery possible teething symptom that was listed in books and websites – my boy had it.  Drooling everywhere, biting (seen above, a washcloth worked wonders!) irritability, rosy cheeks and runny diapers.  When my boy was teething, it was a family adventure.

Aside from cold cloths, we used pain relievers.  We had to, and while I had no issue using children’s pain relievers to help my little guy rest when his gums were aching, I of course worried about it.  We used homeopathic products too, suggested by friends in my mom’s group.

If you’re looking for an alternative to pain relievers, Camilia Teething contains belladonna, chamomilla vulgaris and ferrum phosphoricum.  In my experience, homeopathic medicines can have amazing results for one child, and may seem not to effect another’s ailment at all.

This is another one of those parenting conundrums – figuring out what works for your child.  Boiron, the makers of Camilia Teething, also have a bunch of other great homeopathic products that are loved and recommended by moms.

At the end of the day, all we want are happy, sleepy, preferably non-diarrhea afflicted, babies.  Perhaps even more frustrating and annoying than a teething baby is the mom next to you at playgroup who happily chirps that her baby doesn’t display any teething symptoms at all.  “Two teeth erupted over night and we had no idea they were coming!”

Yeah that mom.

Perhaps I’ll share the story of my happy-teether child another time. 😉


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  • It is so true that what helps one baby may not even affect another. I had a mom that swore to me that teething tablets were the way to go. It didn’t work with my first child at all, but with my second one it did. You really do have to go through trial and error with your children since each one is different.