Giveaways and Reviews

P&G #MonthOfMom 30 Day Photo Challenge

P&GMom #MonthOfMom

I’ve wanted to participate in a photo challenge for awhile but didn’t know where to jump in or find one that inspired me.  As a P&G Mom this one – of course – is perfect!  Jump in and be a part of it too, let’s see if we can do it for the full 30 days in May!

If you’ve never done a photo challenge before, the rules are pretty simple.  Use the word of the day to inspire your photo, and simply share the photo on your social media networks with the #MonthOfMom hashtag when you do so others can see you’re part of the challenge!

I am a P&Gmom. As part of my affiliation with this group, I have been offered compensation to participate in the #MonthOfMom 30-day photo challenge. The views, opinions and photographs expressed on this blog and in my social networks are my own.


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  • Twitter is ideal because of the hashtag (can’t follow hashtags on Facebook) Instagram will be fun too if you use it.

  • Great idea! I’ve also been wanting to do a photo challenge, as my camera seems to have been collecting dust the past couple months. Can’t wait to try this!

    • I’m going to save the image on my phone so that I have the list handy when I’m out and about. And at Disney. 😛