Giveaways and Reviews

Potty Like a Rock Star

boon potty benchHow are we here again? It seems like just a few months ago I was potty training my (very stubborn) middle child up until past her third birthday! That child, now five, likely will be my little limit-pusher through all her years. Now, my youngest will be turning two in a month. Do you remember my pregnancy announcement post? The post about Everleigh’s birth? Where did the time go?

Given that I’ve been through this twice before, you’d think the whole idea of potty training would be pretty easy for this mom.  Not so.  We were very laid back about potty training with the first two – which is why I was still changing diapers on their third birthdays.  Looking back I can honestly say that I don’t regret the way we did things, but I do dream about being done with diapers sooner with Everleigh.

At almost-two she’s taking an interest in the potty and we’ve had some lovely potty moments.  We’ve also had moments where she pees on the bathroom floor while I run the bath water.  It happens.

The best plan is to have allies.  A good potty is a definite, and we were really happy with our Boon Potty Bench that we used for Nevaeh a few years ago.  Now, we have a brand new Boon Potty Bench for Everleigh – I don’t think I’d go with another one now.  Moms know that potty training requires a great amount of patience and this bench gives you side storage for books, stickers, and whatever else your little one needs to stay occupied while waiting for that magic  moment.

Boon PottyI like how versatile the Boon Potty Bench is too – little ones can use it as a bench while training – and long after – to help reach the sink, which is great because hand-washing skills should go hand in hand with potty training!  Plus, it just looks better than the other potties on the market and doesn’t stand out in your modern household.  Look for the Boon Potty Bench wherever Boon products are sold (Toys R Us in Canada is where I find lots of Boon products!) for a MSRP of $49.99.


One of my Canadian readers is going to potty like a rock star too when they win a Boon Potty Bench!  To enter to win, just use the Rafflecopter form below!  Good luck everyone, in more ways than one if you’re in the throws of potty training like us very soon!

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