I love Christmas cards and emails from friends and family sharing their Christmas pictures! This one came from my cousin, celebrating baby Nora’s first Christmas and trying desperately hard to snap that perfect Christmas photo for her cards. I asked her if I could share it here, as I know many other moms can relate!
Cute! LOL I have many shots like this. Kids never stay put.
Oh I love that little girl! As I pointed out to her Mom, at least you have a great picture of the dog!!!
The only picture I have of my daughter in her halloween costume this year looks exactly like this.
LOL, oh gosh, I’ve been there…many times.
Adorable, so true to life! And what a well-behaved dog.
Haha! Too cute 🙂
haha awesome! 🙂 Very cute!
LOL! That’s so cute!
So cute!
Haha sometimes when these moments don’t work out it’s for the best!
Hahaha looks familiar …
adorable !
What a good dog!
Thats hilarious!
love it!
At least she’s visible, my kid is always a superhero blur!
Thanks for sharing – glad to know that I am not the only one that has failed at an attempted photo shoot!!
HAHA! We all have those!
That’s adorable! At least the puppy was well behaved:)
But really – isn’t this a way better pic? What a hoot.
Funny. Life with kids are always so unpredictable.
Super cute!
very cute!
One time my daughters pants were pulling down her diaper so she was running around the house with her diaper halfway down her but. Naturally I had to get a picture because it was just too cute and I for the life of me could not make her sit still!
At least the dog looks good and sits still lol.
This looks like all the pictures we have ever tried to take! We have five children. One is always crawling out if the picture!!
Haha that is cute.. The dog sat nice and pretty
I can definitely relate. My daughter runs to me the minute I take out the camera. There’s no sitting still anymore!
How cute! WE always have a hard time getting the little ones to sit still for pictures
lol…so cute!
Very cute 🙂
That picture is so cute…Sara’s first few pictures with Santa are so sad because she just didn’t want to be there.
Absolutely adorable! I love Christmas time and what a great and inexpensive gift idea
Too cute! So true!
Quick…get away while she’s not looking!!
LMAO still makes for a great xmas card!
So cute!
Haha That’s too funny and oh-so-true. The dog seemed pretty obedient though.
OMGoodness! How adorable is your puppy!! 🙂 I can relate on Christmas photo fail haha this year, there were no Christmassy like pictures on our card. I had to use photos we took throughout the year.
Those are adorable pictures.
Or they make goofy faces as soon as the camera comes out!
I have belly stickers to take pictures of my daughter every month for her first year, and this is how every single picture has turned out since she learned how to crawl (only with us it is the cat left behind)
My son is the same way… He can be sitting all quiet and peaceful… but the moment you pick-up the camera he gets all excited and jitter and won’t sit still… Motly it’s alot of blurry shots.
Love the pictures of your puppy is adorable!
Pets always seem to behave better around Santa!
wow your dog is adorable
That is so adorable! And that is exactly the reason I don’t have any good Holiday photos of my kids… they always move and look the other way!!
Somehow a good photographer apparently can make them sit (or just have a good camera with million shots a minute). The only perfect pictures of my child I have come from the studio settings.
Those pictures are soo cute.
A day at our house!
Getting my daughter to take a good picture is impossible! I can do it when shes not looking but if she notices she will look at me … say NOPE… and turn away!
Ha ha! I love that! Been there!
Yes how true! It has to be their idea to get the photo taken otherwise its asta la vista baby lol
How fun was that?! So precious they are (kids and pets) !
Ha ha, I love my cats!
That’s what photoshop is for 🙂 A little inserting here, a little inserting there and presto, perfect picture.
Cute pictures!
hahaha. i have little children and they were scared of santa. cried!
Too funny and soooooo typical!
how freakin cuuuuute!!!! what a big lover!!!
adorable photos
lol..I agree with another person…photo shop! I think though it makes a perfect picture as it is… it captures real life!
very cute pic!!!
baby get away and she’s smiling
the dog says “I can pose for you”; take my pic
Nora is so done with the photo shoot…. off to open the presents now…LOL…. seems to BE thinking are you coming poochie or not…. LETS GO!…. ADORABLE…
I had to hold my dog and our baby for our photo and my hubby had to hold the older 2 in it…We took it on an outdoor ice rink and the kids and dog just wanted to go play 🙂
Too cute! We tried to take some pictures at the tree and it turned out similar. I just gave up!
TOO Funny & Cute!
made me smile. Every year I see the darling Christmas pictures of friends and online, and I’ll think that’s what I’m going to try and capture this year, but they always turn out with my kids sporting messy Christmas morning hair, baggy eyelids from lack of sleep and more than often tears of being overtired and overstimulated. However, I agree that sometimes those are the best.
OMG Both that baby and the doggy are adorable! 🙂
That is so cute, because it is so real. I think anyone with kids can relate. lol
aww, the dog looks like it’s posing! so cute!
we got a new camera back in may and i picked up a book from our library about taking family photos. the one thing i read in that book that stuck with me is that you can not make your kids do what you want. you just have to go with them and take the pictures as they appear.
The first picture with your daughter cawling away is fantastic! I love it!
our little ones don’t sit very long for a photo either, someone had better have the camera handy as you move out of the frame or it will be too late LOL