My Fabulous Life

Going from Snowfall Warnings to 30C ~ Florida Here We Come!

I went to the Weather Network site to check the weather in Orlando for this week, but was greeted with my local forecast first.  A big red warning of “Heavy Snowfall” and this:

Yes, that’s right, 15cm of snow expected tonight and overnight.  Did I mention that we are up and on the road at 4:30am for the airport tomorrow morning?  Welcome to life in Saskatchewan!  We’ll give ourselves extra time to get to the airport (over an hour away) for our 7am flight tomorrow morning.  BUT, once we arrive in Orlando Monday night, we have this forecast to enjoy for the rest of the week at Disney World:

It’s no wonder Canadians fill up flights all winter long to sunny destinations with the contrast in weather!  I can’t wait to feel that Florida sun on my face, and even the prospect of a few warm isolated showers sounds wonderful compared to the slap of windchill on my skin this weekend!

If you’re on Twitter, follow the hashtag #NewFantasylandCA starting Wednesday, to follow the Disney World adventures of the Canadian bloggers/media attending the event (the ‘CA’ on the end will separate us from the other media attending in the US).  I’ll be updating Facebook as well, and the blog will have more giveaways coming throughout the week that are all pre-written and waiting for you!  I’ve been working hard to get a bunch of work done before we leave so I can fully enjoy our Disney World holiday with the kids (a working holiday, as I call it, but Disney Parks Canada makes it easy to have such an amazing job reporting back to all of you!)


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  • Here’s my travel in winter hint: take an empty bag to the airport with you. You can stuff all of your winter gear in it and check the bag so you don’t have to deal with them on the plane.

    • Michele my husband was just complaining yesterday about the lack of lockers at the airport for this reason! We just get dropped off at the door with our stuff (light jackets) and make my husband park the vehicle and run his arse off in the cold to the door! Then when we return he does the same. I have a good man. 🙂