Giveaways and Reviews

Lysol Canada Photo Contest ($20,000 Grand Prize!)

Lysol products make this mom happy.  I’m a self-professed germophobe as many of you know and having a Lysol No-Touch Hand Soap System and Lysol wipes in my home make me a little less skeeved out about the germs my kids carry home.

This contest makes my germophobe radar go crazy, but I know moms can appreciate and enjoy it (ok, maybe I can enjoy it a little bit too!)  Lysol is asking Canadians to share their photos of their “kid that touches everything” for a chance to win an amazing grand prize of $10,000 for themselves and $10,000 to be donated to the local school of your choice!

We all have a kid that touches everything, actually all three of my kids fit well into that category but my oldest, at 8, is probably the worst.  Hand railings at LAX?  All over them.  Maybe dragging his face (mouth?!) along a railing for extra fun when mom isn’t looking.  As much as I remind him how germs grow on surfaces, it seems to go in one ear and out the other when we’re out in public.  I can only imagine what happens at school. Ok, on second thought, let’s just not go there because I don’t think I could handle it!!

Still, I have to be really conscious not to be a hyper-vigalent germophobe around my kids (believe me it’s hard!) because I want them to go out, experience all the mess and fun that life has to offer, yet still come home safe and hopefully without the plague by the end of the day.  It’s a tough balance for me!


GRAND PRIZE: There will be one (1) Grand Prize available to be won consisting of a $10,000 cheque plus a $10,000 donation to the local school of the winner’s choice. Total value of the Grand Prize is $20,000 CAD.

SECONDARY PRIZES: There will be forty-nine (49) Secondary Prizes available to be won consisting of a $50 gift card each. Approx. retail value of each Secondary Prize is $50.00 CAD.

Here’s what I like about this contest – while the initial 50 photos chosen as finalists are the result of voting (1 vote per Facebook ID per day), the 50 finalists photos are judged by a panel and the winner is determined from that group, with the remaining 49 winning the secondary prize. I know many people don’t like voting contests (myself included) and some love them, so this is a good balance between the two perhaps?  Full rules and regulations here.

One of my Canadian readers is going to win a Lysol No-Touch Hand Soap System (includes the dispenser, batteries, and 1 refill).  To enter, just fill out the Rafflecopter form below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I am part of the Lysol® Healthy Families Ambassador Program by Mom Central. I received compensation as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog, as always, are my own.


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