My Fabulous Life

I’m a Community Leader at Blissdom Canada – Speaking on Sponsored Posts!

I'm a Blissdom Community Leader!Next weekend, I’ll be in Toronto for the 3rd annual Blissdom Canada conference –  my first!

After attending BlogHer ’11 in San Diego, I loved the conference spirit: the opportunity to learn, the chance to meet some top brand managers in the country, and of course a chance to relax with some of my favorite bloggers.  There was only one small problem, it wasn’t in Canada!   I’m so glad that Canada is in the social media game (not so much 5 years ago when I started blogging) and Blissdom is THE conference you want to be at in Canada.

I’ve been chosen as a Community Leader at Blissdom which means that I get to share my expertise with attendees at the Saturday morning microsessions.  If you visit my table Saturday morning at one of the three round table microsession times, we’ll be discussing Sponsored Posts!

I’m super excited about this topic!  Of course bloggers want to make money, but where do you start?  What’s a good rate?  Are there rules to follow?  Will your readers still love you in the morning?

I can’t wait to dive in with attendees and discuss during the Saturday morning microsessions at Blissdom.  Of course, there’s plenty of other time to discuss this and more during the 3 day event.  I’ll be visiting the Mom Central head offices on Friday night for some wine and cheese before heading to the BlissDom Canada Kick Off Reception hosted by Microsoft.

Saturday after the microsessions, I can’t wait to enjoy an afternoon of speakers including Jian Ghomeshi, Amber MacArthur, Susan Cain, Bonnie Stewart and Ami McKay before heading out to the Costume and Karaoke Party hosted by Chevrolet.

Sunday…oh my gosh….Sunday I am SO excited to take a Behind the Scenes: Writing! excursion to the Canadian Family offices!  All attendees at this excursion (which booked up in 60 seconds online, no surprise!) will be involved in planning a story for 2013.  SO. COOL.

Next weekend in Toronto is going to be amazaballs.  I think I best be catching up on sleep now!

But first, I need to finish my prep on Sponsored Posts.  This is where you come in – as a blogger is there anything  you’d like to know?  What would you ask at a session like this?

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