Giveaways and Reviews

Garnier Ultra Lift

There’s a bit of an internal struggle when one is presented with the opportunity to do a product review on an anti-wrinkle product. The first reaction, maybe rushed, is one of dismay and denial. Why would I need such a product? I closed the email offer, grumbled to myself, and then opened it again to examine it further. Maybe this is where acceptance begins.

Garnier Ultra-Lift anti-wrinkle and firming products are said to help you reduce the effects of time, your lifestyle and the environment – three things we know contribute to wrinkles. Once wrinkles are there, it’s hard to go back (in a non-surgical way that is!) and they’re something we all must deal with as we age.

At age 35, I’m not seeing a ton of wrinkles yet but make no mistake, they are starting to appear! I especially notice wrinkles (or my crinkles as I call them!) around my eyes when I smile. So, this is definitely an area I want to target.

When I received the Garnier Ultra-Lift products to review, I also received a ruler inside the package that I could use to help measure where my wrinkles are on a scale of 1 to 10 and then use later to measure results against. You can see from the photo above taken on day one of my review period, I was apprehensive measuring my “crinkles”! I breathed a sigh of relief noting that on this ruler I’m a 1 – just at the beginning of the wrinkle measurement spectrum!

I received three products – Day Cream Anti-Wrinkle & Firming Moisturizer Cream SPF 15, Anti-Wrinkle Firming Eye Cream, and Night Cream Anti-Wrinkle & Firming. All of them contain Argan Extract, Pro-Retinal from Nature, and Rice Protein – a trifecta to help firm skin.

Part of the problem I have with combating wrinkles and preventing new ones is that I’m not very good about maintaining a skin care routine. Because I was doing a review, I was much better about ensuring I applied the Day Cream Anti-Wrinkle Firming Moisturizer Cream and Anti-Wrinkle Firming Eye Cream every morning after cleansing. I found that if I leave the product on my bathroom counter, I’m much more likely to remember to use it so maybe that’s one secret. The Night-Cream Anti-Wrinkle and Firming sits in the same spot on my counter, yet I had to constantly remind myself to use it at night before bed! This was actually a good thing as it got me into the routine of cleansing my skin before bed and of course, applying a product to work while I sleep! I’m very guilty of going to bed with make-up on (oh so gorgeous in the morning, you have no idea.)

It’s now been two weeks since I started using Garnier Ultra-Lift Anti-Wrinkle and firming products. Have I noticed my all wrinkles disappear? Unfortunately, no not but that’s not what these products are intended to do. If I can prevent new wrinkles from forming, that’s a win. Firmer feeling skin is something I’ve noticed though not on a drastic sale (it’s only been two weeks, remember).

I think the biggest benefit from my review period has been the change to my own skin care routine in that, well, I’ve started one and maintained it for two consectutive weeks! That, I think, is the first step in preventing wrinkles from forming – take care of what you have, my friends!

(Click the image below to order your own 28 day kit!)


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  • Sigh heavily I might add. I am your age and I do the same things. I go to bed with make up on and haven’t started any wrinkle creams. Why? because I am not old right? Pfft. The time has come.

  • I’m waiting impatiently for my sample! You look gorgeous and look like you have ZERO to worry about, by the way. I, on the other hand…

  • I have been blessed with very few wrinkles at the age of 52. I never have been big on using face creams but have recently started using Oil of Olay. I did order the Garnier kit and will be switching to see if there is a difference. I have, though, always been a huge water drinker. Hydrate..hydrate..hydrate. By the way…at 35 you are still a youngster to

  • It is great that you noticed tighter skin. It is a start. Thanks for being honest because changes really do take time.

  • I like that you noticed some change with this but also stated that it’s only been 2 weeks

    thanks for the info


  • I love Garnier products but as for wrinkles, I have a few in the corners of my eyes when I smile but have been lucky so far with any others. I am 63 so maybe I will inherit that part from my mother who never had a wrinkle on her face and she passed away at age 78.

  • I sometimes catch wrinkles in my face and wonder where they came from as well hah Fortunately, I have been blessed with my mom’s skin that looks youthful for many years to come – but a great product to help that along is always welcome 🙂

  • Ok so funny story about this post.
    When I first looked at it I as on my iphone, and the picture of you holding the ruler was quite small and hard to see. So I thought the ruler was like an actual ruler and the first thought that popped into my head was good heavens I pity the person that would have wrinkles that big.

    On a more serious note I am in my late 20’s and don’t use any sort of wrinkle creams yet, but I really should start since I have heard that using products like this before you even have wrinkles will prevent them from being really bad in the future.

  • I love the Garnier Fructis eye roller. I’ve been using it for a while now and it works quite well. I also use the shampoo and conditioner for curly hair – it’s great.

  • Definitely not liking the wrinkles started or the ones that are going to come.. Anything to slow them down is worth a try.

  • I’m at the age where I need to be taking pre-wrinkle care of my skin. I don’t have any significant wrinkles yet but I guess taking measures for prevention is the key.

  • I ordered this with the link you provided. Waiting to receive my trial kit. 🙂 thanks for the info and link

  • Thanks for the heads up on these samples. I ordered them when you first posted it. I’ll let you know how it goes. Thanks

  • I ordered my sample. I’m accepting my wrinkles but would always love something that makes them better.

  • Congrats on being a “1”! I think it would be difficult to determine/assess any benefits in 2 weeks – but the fact that you’ve got a routine going is the true achievement. Cheers to beautiful skin!

  • I can’t wait to try the 28 day kit! I am 32 and I don’t have a lot of wrinkles, but I am starting to notice some. I do have a bit of sagging from losing over 100 pounds, so I am hoping to get some lift there (may need a miracle! lol).

  • I can’t wait to try this! Wrinkles are only laugh lines:) although your beautiful! And don’thave any Thing to every worry about:)

  • I’m waiting for this in the mail I turn 30 this year I’m starting to freak out about wrinkles. Unavoidable but maybe I can slow the process down.

  • Gotta get some because my grandson just told me I look very young for my age but when I smile there are a lot of crinkles around my face. Out of the mouth of babes……

  • I am an older Mummy. I have been lucky so far…not a lot of wrinkles but I do see a very little sagging. I hate how gravity pulls us down as we age.

  • I’ve used Garniers facial cleansers and moisturizers before. I’d like to try these new products. Thanks for letting me know about the trial kits.

  • So I haven’t been 30 for very long, but the one thing your post taught me was start before the wrinkles come!! I am a religious cream user (morning and night) but just moisterizing cream, nothing anti-wrinkle. If anything, it’s the eye cream that I need…don’t want those crows feet creeping up on me…I want to people to think I’m still the hip young mom 😉

  • Because of your post I ordered mine and received it in the mail today. Thanks for the FYI. I can use all the help I can get.

  • It is never too early to start a good skincare regime. I have heard good things about the Garnier Ultra lift products. No matter what product we decide to use, the most important things to take care of our complexion is proper diet, sleep, water, a good moisturizer and sunscreen.

  • Sadly wrinkles are a fact of life, what we can do is try to minimize them as much as possible. A good moisturizer is the key I think and Garnier does make great products. Thanks for your review!

  • I think I am going to try to change my routine also. I just got the garnier ultra lift kit too.. No other better time then now 🙂