Giveaways and Reviews

Daylight Savings: Things to Remember (with giveaway!)

This year, Daylight Savings falls on Sunday, November 4th at 2:00am.  Canadians gain an hour of sleep but lose an hour of daylight…and cold weather is ushered in.  What’s not to love about Daylight Savings?!

Did you know that Saskatchewan doesn’t participate in Daylight Savings?  I guess we’re special that way!  We love to get along with our prairie neighbors, so in the spring we hang out with Alberta and plant wild roses (catchy, right?) and in the fall we snuggle up to friendly Manitoba to keep warm.

Here are some helpful tips to help the rest of you get adjusted to Daylight Savings this coming weekend:

  • Prepare your kids for the adjustment – while teens and adults love that extra hour of sleep, children may have a harder time adjusting.  Who wants to get woken up early by a bright eyed bushy tailed toddler when it’s time to relish that extra hour?!  Start early in the week (like, now!) getting your children to stay up an extra 15 minutes or so each night.
  • Try to absorb as much natural light as possible which will help you avoid the yucky winter blues and the fresh air will put you in an overall better state of mind (unless you live in Saskatchewan and the fresh air makes your nostril hairs freeze.  Then, not so much.)
  • If you use timers for your outside lights, make sure you reset them so you don’t have the lights on when it’s still daylight.

Daylight savings is a great time to do something hugely important for your household – check or replace those smoke, carbon monoxide and natural gas alarms!  We become too comfortable with things in our households “just working” and we need to give these items in particular regular maintenance so this is an excellent time to do it twice per year.  Replace batteries, and oh…make sure it’s actually attached and working.

How many of us are guilty of unplugging a smoke detector when a cooking adventure in the kitchen goes wrong, and then forgetting to hook it up again?  Did you know there’s actually a smoke detector that can tell the difference between actual smoldering smoke from a fire and that of a kitchen cookie disaster?

The new IoPhic® smoke and fire alarm with breakthrough smart technology is the only alarm that virtually eliminates nuisance alarms (kitchen disasters) and protects families against slow smoldering and fast flaming fires.  In fact, it detects smouldering fires 87% faster* than standard detectors, and responds quickly to fast flaming fires.

(UL217 Smoldering Smoke Test on 5/26/10, Underwriters Laboratories, Project #09CA38078)

While busy organizing for the holidays, changing the clocks for daylight savings, and making sure that your smoke, carbon monoxide and natural gas alarms are all working – consider checking out the IoPhic® smoke and fire alarm (SRP $35.99) and the The USI Carbon Monoxide and Natural Gas alarm which is a dual-sensing plug-in alarm (SRP $39.99) both available at Canadian Tire stores across Canada.

I have FIVE IoPhic® smoke and fire alarms and FIVE carbon monoxide and natural gas alarms to give away to my readers.  Each winner will get one of each (total prize value of each $75.98)

To enter, just use the Rafflecopter form below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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