Giveaways and Reviews

Win 3 Years of Web Hosting from Go Daddy

Friends, family, and often the husbands of friends who see the potential in their wives will ask me, “How do I do what you do?”

The answer isn’t simple, but I’m always happy to explain how I got started with blogging basics, and how my l’il website about being frugal while still maintaining your fabulous mommy style has evolved into the success that Feisty Frugal & Fabulous is today.

A successful mommy blog, review site, or online magazine (I chuckle at the adamant way with which some people insist their blog is categorized) doesn’t happen over night. It takes years, yes years, of work to get to the spot that those big name bloggers are at that we see quoted in articles and invited on press trips.

The best start you can give yourself is a solid foundation with a reputable web host, a catchy domain, and of course some great ideas for content.

Did you know Go Daddy cansaveyou time and money when you set up a website for your business, blog or family? The Web’s largest domain name and hosting provider makes it easy for anyone to get online with do-it-yourselfwebsite builders, Web hosting andmore. They’re a valuable resource and trusted partner for anyone who wants to build their online presence.

Interested in finally taking that leap and starting your own website? GoDaddy is giving away a 3 Year Unlimited 4GH Hosting plan! To enter, tell me what’s one thing most people don’t know about you?

Ready for mine?

I was a writer at a very young age. I got an electric typewriter for Christmas when I was 10 and set out to write novels. I’d then staple the pages together and write the titles on the front in calligraphy. Thankfully my outlet has changed since then – that typewriter correction ink was always a pain.

There’s a lot you don’t know about Go Daddy! Including all the tools they have for bloggers! Check out to learn more!

Join the conversation for your chance to win 3 year Unlimited 4GH Hosting from Go Daddy!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Go Daddy. The opinions and text are all mine.