Giveaways and Reviews

McDonald’s All-Access Moms on CityLine

McDonald's All Access Moms CityLine

Last week I traveled to Toronto to visit the set of CityLine, hosted by the very lovely Tracy Moore, to discuss the McDonald’s All Access Moms program now that our tours have wrapped up.  The past 9 months have brought the McDonald’s All-Access moms from the corporate head offices in Toronto and Chicago to the farmer’s field’s of New Brunswick and Alberta, just to name a few of the places we visited.

McDonald's All Access Moms Cityline

It’s bittersweet to end this program, though I know this isn’t the end of my relationship with McDonald’s.  This experience has been so positive and enlightening – what an opportunity!  You can watch our appearance on CityLine, which aired on Wednesday, by clicking on either of the stills.  We come in at the 27 minute mark.

Cityline McDonald's All Access Moms

You can also catch our summary video where the moms share our thoughts on the program as a whole here, and all the videos which were actually commercials that aired across Canada can be seen by clicking the link below as well!


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