Giveaways and Reviews

Hey there, sweet lips.

Spring is here and with it (especially for us in Saskatchewan) comes the wind and chapped lips.  My kids especially suffer from this because they are constantly licking their lips (you gotta love that red mouth look many second graders sport this time of year, almost like a chapped-face-mask!)

I had the chance to check out 3 products from LUSH to help alleviate dryness that comes with spring weather including an adorable Stepping Stone Foot Scrub (much prettier than those things that look like rocks sitting on the side of your tub) and Ocean Salt, a scrub for your face and body that makes your skin feel like you’ve taken a refreshing crisp dip in the ocean.

Both left me with soft skin ready for the sun, but my favorite of the products I was sent is definitely the Sweet Lips Lip Scrub!  It’s like rubbing brown sugar on your lips, except it happens to taste like chocolate and leaves your lips super soft and plumped from the stimulation!

It’s perfect for the kids too because they love the taste on their lips and it eliminates the chapping!  It’s also a hella lot safer than letting my 4 year old loose with a lip balm in my house (that was a hard lesson for me to learn, I’m still not fully ready to talk about it.)


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  • I wish we had a Lush store nearby 🙁 Unfortunately the closest one to me is a 5 or 6 hour drive away. I know I can get products online but I’m kinda sensitive to some smells so I’d rather smell then in person before buying. Maybe we’ll go camping near Halifax this summer and I can go then 🙂

  • I was just thinking that I need to find a good lip scrub for my kids (especially my eldest son) and I tonight! The crazy SK wind is just awful! Thanks for the info. The lip balm either ends up in their mouths or the washing machine unfortunately so scrub is definitely the way to go with little ones!

    • The wind here is horrible tonight! Hope you like the lip scrub as much as we do. A little goes a long way too, 3 of us have been using it and there’s not even 1/4 gone in the past few weeks.