My Fabulous Life

Off to Idaho!

The other day, my (almost) 4 year old looked up in the sky and saw an airplane.  “Mommy!  An airplane,” she said, “it’s looking for you!”  You know you travel a lot when…

As it turns out, I’m in the air again this week – this time I’ve been invited to Boise, Idaho, the home of Scentsy, to learn more about home decor and design and of course about the Scentsy company, it’s founders, and it’s products.

I’ve been a huge fan of Scentsy since I was first introduced to it back in 2009 when I did my first review of Scentsy products and haven’t looked back.  My friends joked about my hoard of candles I used to have and sadly the amount hasn’t decreased much because I’ve almost stopped burning candles altogether in place of using my Scentsy warmers.

When I received an invitation to visit Boise, Idaho, the home of Scentsy and meet Heidi Thompson, President and Co-Owner of Scentsy the answer was an immediate “yes!”   I’m so eager to learn more about this company and see where they are headed in the future.

By the way, if you’re already a Scentsy fan don’t forget to vote for Bring Back My Bar – Scentsy will bring back 20 retired scents for a short time only so we can stock up on our favorites!  If you vote for my 2 favorites, Bubblegum and Grape Granita, I’ll love you forever.

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