Giveaways and Reviews

Maybe I Did Something Right!

As one of the moms chosen to be a part of the Dempster’s Lunch Box Inspirations program, I’ve tried some recipes from the site and also submitted some of my own tips for packing lunches.  My favorite lunch tip I shared was on making a lunch box combo of sausage, cheese, crackers and pickles instead of the usual sandwich.  Elijah (7) loves this and I packed it in his lunch yesterday.  Today, he asked for the same.  It’s great because I can cut up everything in the beginning of the week and store them in separate containers in the fridge, then reach in and grab what I need in the mornings.

I thought I would ask Elijah what he would pack in his lunch, if he could have the perfect lunch.  I didn’t encourage him either way by saying “annnnyyything in the world!” but just asked a casual question while he was coloring before dinner with his sister, and asked him to draw me a picture.

I was really surprised with the result!  I thought for sure it would be filled with chocolate bars, pizza, and tons of candy.  I’m really impressed with his idea of a perfect lunch.  Obviously the kid likes fruit and cheese, ha!  I see he put candy in there and also a fruit roll up (two things mom doesn’t allow in school lunches) but other than that he picked healthy items and things mom approves of!  Even the candy and fruit roll up isn’t a big deal in the big picture – all things in moderation, right?

What do you think your kids would pick if they could pack their perfect lunch?  If you ask them, you may be surprised at their answer like I was!

Disclosure – I am participating in the Dempster’s Lunch Box Inspirations program by Mom Central Canada on behalf of Dempster’s Canada. I received compensation as a thank you for my participation. The opinions on this blog are my own.

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  • I’m proud of my kids too… they are always asking whether or not things are healthy, and even though certainly ilke special treats, they know that those aren’t healthy choices for their meals. It’s all about what you offer to kids…. if all they get is white bread and cheese whiz and an oreo for lunch, how will they ever learn to make healthy choices? You’d be surprised how good kids will eat if you just give them the right options to choose from.