My Fabulous Life

Stop the Facebook Game, People.

It’s happening again.

Last year I wrote this post about the cutesy Facebook game going around where women were asked to post, as their status, where they kept their purse as a way to support breast cancer awareness.  You see, having something provactive in your status like “on the kitchen table” makes people inevitably think this is where you like to have sex, so this somehow of course promotes breast cancer awareness.  Right?  Wrong.

I wrote that games like this do nothing to support cancer awareness and it angered me greatly to see so many of my friends doing it, in a misguided way to show support for the cause.

The game is back again.  With Breast Cancer Awareness Month coming up in October, it’s no surprise that it’s started again.  This year, ladies are asked to post their shoe size along with how long it takes to do your hair.  Yes, really.

Apparently posting “8 inches and 20 minutes” is a really great way to show your support for breast cancer awareness.  Another popular game is to post “I’m __weeks and craving ____” (the weeks representing your birth month).  It makes people think you’re pregnant and is a great way to spark discussion when you reply back, “Oh, no, I’m not pregnant, I’m supporting breast cancer awareness”.

In what universe?

Instead of falling for a game that, in my opinion, not only makes you look silly but also insensitive, why not find other ways to support cancer awareness instead of posting a Facebook status which does nothing.


Contact the Canadian Cancer Society and your local provincial office and ask to make a donation or volunteer.
Collect pledges and participate in the Relay For Life.
Participate in other fund raising activities for the Canadian Cancer Society like Cops for Cancer, door to door campaigns and more.
Purchase daffodils in the spring from volunteers for the Canadian Cancer Society.

Hug a friend that has lost a loved one to the devastating disease of cancer and tell them how sorry you are.  I’ve had far too many friends lose a parent to cancer these past few years and it’s going to keep happening until we find a cure.

I haven’t shared it on my blog up to this point, but my own father – my daddy – is fighting cancer with all he’s got and has been for almost a year now.

I simply refuse to forward on a Facebook game about cancer awareness that does nothing to help the cause.

I’m asking you to do the same.  Reply to the msg your friend sends you on Facebook explaining ways others can raise awareness, link them to this post, or if you’re not as feisty as me just delete the message and carry on.

Stop the game.  Cancer is not a game.  Just ask anyone who has lost a loved one or has a loved one battling it now.  I’m not laughing.


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    • You’re not blind Nolie it’s not there (maybe it should be but I wasn’t sure how often it would get used). Feel free to “share” the post on my FFF Faebook page on your page and RT my tweet…!! 😉

  • So sorry to hear about your dad:( My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    I also totally agree with you about the facebook silliness. Fighting cancer takes action not childish facebook statuses.

  • So sorry to hear about your dad. You are so right about cancer not being a game. My 6 year old cousin fought cancer with chemo, radiation – to such an extreme amount, no person should have to go through. Thanks for this great post!

  • So sorry to hear about your dad.
    I completely agree with this post and will definitely share it! I’ve never participated in any of these, nor will I! Cancer is serious, it’s not a game.

  • I agree with you all the way, well said. So sorry to hear about your father. My mother just found out she had cancer in her thyroid, thank god it was removed and they think it was just in her thyroid but she will be on chemo just to make sure. Again very well said!!!

  • Sorry about your father. I guess sometimes people do this as to get asked questions of what they are putting up on there status and they get told what it is for. But you are right it is not a game. Great post.

  • I’m sorry I was one of those people who played the game. I never realized I was being so insensitive. I honestly thought I was helping some how. Thanks for this post. It really changed my perspective. I’m sending a virtual hug and a RL prayer your way for your dad.

  • I get so tired of those things too. And they do nothing at all to help. If they want to play that game they shouldn’t connect it with something serious like cancer. I am so sorry about your father (hugs)

  • I’m sorry to hear about your Dad Tenille. 🙁 We just recently lost my Dad to liver cancer. The journey is a difficult one. Your family is in my thoughts and wishing your Dad all the strength in beating the cancer.

  • Awesome post. I’m terribly sorry to hear about your Dad. :(. I lost my Dad to leukemia 2 years ago, and it was a very trying experience for the entire family. It was horrible to see him go through that. We miss him so much. I’ve also seen my Mom go through breast cancer – today she is doing very well. Anyway, I agree with you whole heartedly. Money for research is what counts. Support for those enduring the disease, survivors, and family members is what counts. Facebook games just don’t cut it – they’re not cute, not all that “supportive” and realistically they just don’t help at all. Sending loads of prayers to you and your family. *hugs*

  • I can’t stand this type of thing, either, and was irritated when I got a request by a friend to participate. Twice. No thanks. And man, mine would be a bad post because I air dry my hair at night and wake up and go “8 inches and 0 minutes?!” Cancer is really not a laughing matter.

  • Everyone can’t make monetary donations so this. Is just a way for some to show their thoughtfulness in a fun loving manner. I lost family members too but you must get a little personality!

  • Totally totally agree. Makes me so mad when I see those things too – seems to trivialize the seriousness. I actually just wrote about my own family’s experience w cancer today on my blog. My heart goes out to you and your dad!

  • Agree 100%! The games do nothing to promote cancer awareness. Last week I lost a friend to brain cancer, at the age of 31. Tell me how a stupid game is making it so no one else has to go through that? Thank you for always saying what so many of us are thinking and I’ll be saying a prayer for your Dad.

  • I saw that post about weeks and cravings (not knowing about this “game”, by my 13 yr. old grandaughter and almost lost my breath. It is totally inappropriate !! To make a game about such a serious illness is very insensitive, for sure !

  • im not being rude or anythink but this ‘game’ has got so many people talking about it, they google it and everythink to find out what it means…. so in some way yes it does promote awearness.
