Giveaways and Reviews

Two New Releases From Chicken Soup for the Soul for Pet Lovers!

From kittenhood through the twilight years, our feline companions continually bring joy, love, and laughter to the lives of their “staff.” This collection of 101 new stories captures the experience of living through the natural life cycle with our cats — from the laugh-out-loud antics of kittens and tear-your-hair-out escapades of teenage cats to the more mature adult years and final stages of life. Stories cover each age and stage with all the fun, frustrations, special bonds and routines involved. The book also holds a special chapter about grieving and recovery when our feline friends leave us.

It’s a dog’s life. This collection of 101 new stories focuses on all the memorable ages and stages of our lovable canines’ lives. Starting in puppyhood and covering a range of middle and senior years to the twilight and end when our dear friends leave us, this book captures the entire experience of living through the natural life cycle with our dogs. All dog lovers will laugh, cry, and recognize themselves and their furry friends in these heartwarming and inspiring stories of puppy antics, teenage rebellion, adapting to an aging dog and, finally, having to say goodbye.

Of the two, It’s a Dog’s Life is the most significant for me.  I had a dog from age 5 until I was 19 and although we don’t have pets in our family right now, if we ever did add one it would likely be a dog!  I loved that these books touch on the delicate subject of saying goodbye which I think makes them especially great gifts to give when words fail us at that time.

I have a great giveaway for my pet loving readers!  3 of you are going to win a pair of books from Chicken Soup for the Soul, It’s a Cat’s Life and It’s a Dog’s Life.  To enter, just leave me a comment here telling me about your pet, it’s your turn to brag!

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This giveaway will end on June 4th at 9PM CT . Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.


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