Fabulous Frugal Finds

Hooray for the 1st Long Weekend of Summer!

Ok, while it’s technically not summer until June 21st, many people mark the May Long Weekend (yes it deserves capitalization!) the non-official start to the summer season.  Here in Saskatchewan, many people go camping on May Long and we’re never too sure if campers are going to wake up to sunshine or snow on their tents!

We’re going to celebrate the long weekend doing another common long-weekend task – home renovations!  We’re starting work on our deck – we have a small deck outside our kitchen door and now my husband is going to build an entire second/lower level on the deck.  I will be sure to take some before/after pictures to share.  This is mostly his project (there’s only so much this fabulous gal can do…building a deck?!) but we will also be having friends over to “help”, share some beverages, and of course BBQ some tasty meals.

I love making homemade burgers on the grill and am always mixing a little of this, a little of that, to create a tasty burger.  No one I know has a specific burger recipe, so when I taste one that’s delicious, it’s hard to duplicate it.  Still, some people have “must-have” ingredients in their burgers and others add ingredients that you wouldn’t necessarily think of yet it turns out great!  The Canadian Living site has a great basic Juicy Extra-Lean Burger recipe, if you’re interested in trying out a new one.

A great burger or hot dog has to have a great, fresh, bun to go with it.  I’m not a fan of freezing buns for this reason – it has to be fresh and super soft, then it’s perfect!  We almost always buy Wonder Hamburger and Hot Dog buns and in our household white bread rules.  Yeah, I know, I know, it may not be the healthiest choice but we love it.  The good news is that in recent years many brands have found ways to make their white bread products more healthy for families and Wonder is no exception.

Weston Bakeries has a new product called Wonder + Simply Free.  This brand (including white hamburger and hot dog buns, hooray!) is made with unbleached wheat flour and is free of artificial preservatives, flavors and colors.  It’s also free of high fruitcose corn syrup (yes, you can find that in other brands of bread products….surprise!)

It’s a win-win for our family – we get the yummy taste of white bread without some of the other things in other white flour products.

Enjoy your May Long Weekend (yes, reason for more capitalization!) everyone.  If you’re a burger-making-guru, feel free to share a recipe here or tell me your secret ingredient!  I always use worcestershire sauce in my burgers and onion soup mix instead of onions (I find the burgers stay together better this
way).  There, I shared my secret now it’s your turn.

Disclosure – I am participating in the Wonder+ SimplyFree program by Mom Central Canada on behalf of Weston Bakeries. I received a gift card and free product coupons as a thank you for my participation. The opinions on this blog are my own.


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  • We love Wonder Bread, so I’m sure we’d enjoy this new product! I think we need a May Long Weekend in our household, too. We’ll check these out for our first cookout on the grill!

  • i love to put feta cheese, onions and finely chopped spinach in my burger patties=) Yum! If they are turkey burgers, I do the same thing but add kalamata olives too=)