
Speak Out: Stop Bullying

April 13th is an important day for 18-year-old Alex Vander Vlugt, founder and executive directer of SPEAK OUT, a student-lead anti-bullying movement (Twitter hashtag #SWSO).

Today marks the worldwide premiere of Alex’s second film, SPEAK OUT: THE DOCUMENTRARY and also his organizations third annual Pink Shirt Day, a national campaign designed to raise awareness about bullying.

More than 4000 high school students will be wearing pink on April 13th here in Canada.

You can show support for SPEAK OUT by uploading a photo of yourself wearing pink to the SPEAK OUT Facebook Page or Twitter handle (@sowhatspeakout) and use #SWSO hashtag to help raise awareness for the cause.

This cause in particular is one that is very important to me, having been on the bitter end of bullying at the age of 13.  The impact it made on my life was tremendous and it was a very dark time that I don’t particularly want to remember.  As a mom, my job is not only to keep a watchful eye on my own children to ensure they are safe and not the victim of bullying, but also to teach them that bullying is NOT ok…all bullies have parents.

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