My Fabulous Life

Still learning to use my camera, sigh.

I got exactly what I wanted for Christmas – a Digital SLR camera.  The problem, of course, is learning how to actually use it.  Many people I know leave their SLR cameras on Auto since, admittedly, the quality is there on that setting alone.  The thing is, I want to learn to take fantastic pictures.  No, scratch that, I want to learn to take amazing pictures.

I bought “Digital SLR Photography for Dummies” and read um…about a chapter of it before giving up in frustration.  Apparently I’m worse than a dummy because the explanations were still too advanced for me (ouch on my pride).  So, in the meantime I’ve come up with a different strategy.

I’ve been using the Auto function for the most part, and then using various photo editing programs online to enhance my photos that way.

The thing is, once you start looking into this, the websites and products and be just as overwhelming!  Multimedia Software anyone?  Exactly.  Whatever happened to a basic crop and maybe some color enhancement?!

If you don’t get in too deep and want a basic Digital Picture Editor online, you can find some great places to do that depending on your experience and personal style.  Adobe Photoshop is obviously one of the top products people use, but you can also find various free sites online that will enhance your photos for you – maybe not as expertly as Photoshop but enough so that you can look like you actually know what you’re doing.

In the meantime, I’m still learning how to use my SLR camera.  If you know of any great tutorial sites, let me know (and remember, the more dummied down, the better apparently!).


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