When I first heard about ZipBins, two thoughts immediately came to mind. First, I wondered why it took me so long to discover them and second, I wondered how many of my mom friends would be all over these once they too learned about them!
Simply put, ZipBins are storage containers specific for some of your kid’s favorite items, but they also double as play mats. Of course these are great for bedrooms and playrooms but because they are portable, they are perfect for taking to grandma’s house as well.
Undoubtedly, two of the most popular categories at ZipBin are their Lego and Hot Wheels Zip Bin Products. If you have little boys, I don’t have to tell you how quickly a Lego or Hot Wheels collection can accumulate and I also don’t have you tell you how much it hurts to step on either of those toys when they’re carelessly left on the floor. I couldn’t decide between the two which product I needed more (NEEDED!) so ZipBin sent us one of each to try out!
We were sent the LEGO® City Fire ZipBin® Large Toy Box Playmat to keep Elijah’s Lego collection in. Elijah, at 6, was easily able to build it into a box with just four quick zips. Although the box capacity is great, he’s been loving the playmat part the most so the box has remained unzipped for the past few weeks that we’ve had it (so much for my idea of storing all the Lego away, but I’m happy he’s loving it so much!)
The Hot Wheels™ ZipBin® Medium Tool Box is something that was really needed in our household. If your kids have a lot of Hot Wheels you probably shake your head at those little boxes that you can buy to store them in. How many do they hold? 15 maybe? We have so many Hot Wheels and various other cars that those storage boxes are all but useless (plus they only fit standard Hot Wheels). The Hot Wheels™ ZipBin® Medium Tool Box is the perfect storage box for Hot Wheels and other cars because they can all just get tossed in there (no need to fit them into slots). It can hold up to 50 Hot Wheels cars! Just like the Lego ZipBin, this box opens up to a playmat which again, Elijah just loves!
I snapped thsi picture the other day, of the kids playing with both ZipBins as playmats. As you can see, they are busy with both their Hot Wheels and Legos on these mats. We truly do love ZipBins products and I’d suggest them to moms everywhere to help keep things organized!
ZipBin products are not just for little boys, they also have great products for little girls too, including a ZipBin Fairy Castle that I have my eye on for Nevaeh (perfect for storing My Little Ponies, Polly Pockets and more). ZipBin products can be purchased via a link on their website to Glamma Toys or you can Google Zip Bin and find ZipBin products at places like Amazon.com
1 of my readers is going to win any ZipBin product of their choice! What would you choose? To enter, simply leave me a comment entering that question after you’ve visted ZipBin and had a look around!
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~ Follow @FeistyFrugal and @neat_oh on Twitter and Tweet this giveaway (RT 1x per day) Win a Zip Bin of your choice from @neat_oh http://bit.ly/edPPvX @FeistyFrugal Holiday 2010 Gift Guide! Hot Wheels, Lego and more!
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This giveaway will end on December 3rd at 9PM CT . Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.