How did you clean your baby bottles, various pieces, and soothers when your babe was in infant? If you were like me you probably boiled them (which is an experiment in itself, I was always paranoid my NUK bottle nipples would melt, though they never did). Boiling items to sterilize is of course an excellent way to ensure safety for your baby, but it’s not very safe for a sleep deprived parent to do in the first place. I can’t tell you how many times the water nearly boiled out of the pot because I forgot about it.
With my second baby, when you tend to ease up a little bit, I moved on to sterilizing items in our dishwasher. I never felt 100% ok with it though – something about washing the bottles and soothers with our regular food creeped me out a bit (I’m a germo-phobe remember). Food particles get stuck on my utensils, how did I know the baby items were really clean?
This time around, I am fully prepared ahead of time with the Quick ‘n Ready Baby Bottle Steam Sterilizer by NUK! It holds up to 6 NUK or other brand bottles and can also hold other items like bottle nipples, soothers, and breastfeeding items. It sterilizes the items in 8 minutes which is great too for those times when you realize it’s time to make bottles and oops…nothing is clean!
If you also were like me and double rinsed everything, making sure to erase any trace of dish soap when washing, you’ll be happy to know that the Quick ‘n Ready Baby Bottle Steam Sterilizer uses no chemicals or soaps – just the benefits of hot steam to clean. I can’t wait to start using this in the Spring, thanks to NUK!
The Quick ‘n Ready Baby Bottle Steam Sterilizer can be purchased at Walmart, Babies R US and Amazon among others. has theNUK Quick N Ready Steam Sterlizer
for $79.99 US, though I’m not sure about prices at the other stores.
This would of course make an excellent baby shower gift for any new mom, but for the holidays this would be perfect for a new mom in your family – it’s something that can be used for more than one baby, and will definitely go a long way to helping mom feel at ease.
1 of my lucky readers is going to win a NUK Quick ‘n Ready Baby Bottle Steam Sterilizer! To enter, simply share with me your method of sterilizing up until now (or if you’re a mom to be, what your plan was).
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This giveaway will end on November 20th at 9PM CT . Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.