Giveaways and Reviews

The Jensen Project DVD Giveaway

Walmart Family Movie NightThe Jensen Project,” starring Kellie Martin, LeVar Burton, Patricia Richardson, Brady Smith, Justin Kelly and Alyssa Diaz, is a thrilling and fun science fiction film focusing on a secret community of geniuses conducting advanced underground research to solve the world’s most difficult problems.

The geniuses are thrust into a frantic pursuit to keep a potentially-dangerous technology from falling into the wrong hands. As they race against the clock to save the world, they discover that sometimes the smartest thing we can do is learn to lean on each other.

Part of Walmart and P&G’s Family Movie Night, The Jensen Project is a family friendly movie that originally aired on NBC on July 16th.  The day after a Family Movie Night movie airs on television, a special 2-Disc DVD/CD Combo pack is available at Walmart for purchase.

Family Movie Night gives families a chance to reconnect – a specific time to sit down together as a family and watch a movie (Family Movie Night also promises family-friendly commercials during the broadcast as well).

We watched The Jensen Project a few nights ago and I liked it (I’m not really a fan of Sci-Fi movies but this one was good).  It was nice to see familiar faces like Kellie Martin and Patricia Richardson, albeit a few years older than when I last watched them on tv (I’ve aged a bit too…heh.)  The plot was good and the message at throughout and at the end was relevant (as families we need to communicate more and not be afraid to lean on each other).

Two things I could do without – the obvious product placement of Walmart’s “Great Value” products in one of the first scenes in the family’s kitchen made me roll my eyes (c’mon Walmart, the family is here for a movie, not a Great Value commercial, thank you!) and the character played by Alyssa Diaz, Samantha, says “dude” so many times in the movie it became forced and annoying.  However, overall the movie was good and I’m going to pass it on to a friend with a teen in the house, because I think he’d really like it.

One question I was left with, and maybe others who have seen the movie can give me their opinion – I thought there was a mother/daughter connection that was going to be revealed at the end but it didn’t happen.  Did you think the same?

2 readers are going to win The Jensen Product DVD/CD Combo Pack.  To enter, leave me a comment here telling me why you would like to win.

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This giveaway will end on August 7th at 9PM CT . Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.