Giveaways and Reviews

New Balance

I have a secret (not so much anymore, since I’m writing it here).  I want to run.  I want to learn how to run.  There’s a difference between running like a 5 year old, arms flailing about and actually running and looking like you know what you’re doing and are enjoying yourself.  Does anyone remember the episode of Friends, “The One Where Phoebe Runs”?  In it, Phoebe embarrasses Rachel because she runs like a 5 year old, all arms and legs everywhere but enjoying every minute of it.  I always joke that I run like Phoebe.  I’m a mess.

Much to my husband’s chagrin, I decided I wanted to start running.  Here I am 33 and I’ve never actually gone out for a run.  I kept hearing about the phenomenon – people run and they feel great. They feel a high.  They actually want to do it again.  I wanted in on that.

New Balance helped me out by sending me a pair of women’s 759 Running Shoes, said to be perfect for new runners:

The 759 running shoe is built on the Acteva® Lite midsole with Stability Web® to provide a lightweight, supportive, well-cushioned ride. Perfect for a runner with a neutral gait, this shoe is packed with premium features, but still weighs in under 8.9 ounces.

Now, being a girl that wears primarily comfy cute sandals in the summer and cozy boots in the winter, running shoes are not at the top of my fashionable footwear list. I was wondering if the shoes were going to have any ‘fabulous’ to them. They do!

The 759 shoes from New Balance have a ton of Highlights and Features that admittedly mean more to a serious runner than they do to me, but when it came down to it there were a few important features that my shoes needed to have.  First, they have to look good.  At a size 8, I realize that’s pretty average but growning up I always thought I had big feet and running shoes seemed to accentuate that.  The 759 Running Shoes actually look good on!  Second, they need to feel comfortable.  There’s no way I’m going to run in a shoe that feels heavy and bulky.  The 759’s are surprisingly lightweight!  The first time I put them on, I skipped down the hallway, surprised at how light and comfortable they felt on (hmm, I thought, maybe this is why runners feel so jovial?)

New Balance Running ShoesSo, it was time to run.  I reminded my husband that our first run wouldn’t be a long one, and he reminded me that I wouldn’t feel that “runner’s high” for awhile, and more than anything I would feel sore muscles the next day.  We were both right.  The first day, we did a few laps around our block.  I was very surprised by how good it felt to run.  I felt light, free, and thankfully didn’t fall flat on my face tripping on a curb or anything.  Two days later (I thought I got away with it after the first day), my thighs and calves reminded me that this was new territory but my feet felt great.

I’m not getting out for a run as often as I’d hoped – with 2 kids at home it’s difficult – but I’m pleased to say I’m not at all opposed to running now that I know how comfortable it can feel.  These shoes rock!  Hopefully in time I’ll be running more and for further distances, confident and very un-Phoebe-like in my 759’s from New Balance.

1 of my readers is going to win her very own New Balance 759 Running Shoes!  To enter, talk to me about running – are you a runner?  Do you hope to become one?

For additional entries:
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~ Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link
~ Follow @FeistyFrugal and @NewBalance on Twitter and Tweet this giveaway (RT 1x per day)  Win a pair of New Balance Women’s 759 Running Shoes @FeistyFrugal @newbalance (Ends August 20th, Canada/US)
~ “Like” Feisty Frugal and Fabulous on Facebook (please leave your first name and last initial so I can find you as a fan)
~ “Like” New Balance on Facebook

This giveaway will end on August 20th at 9PM CT . Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.