Giveaways and Reviews

Curb Your Hunger With underWAY

underWAYThese past few weeks, I have had the opportunity to check out a variety of products from underWAY.  Have you heard of it?  I’ve heard some buzz about a cookie diet but wasn’t sure if this was the same thing.

Brooke Burke is the celeb spokesperson behind underWAY, and I really like her so I think she was a good choice – she’s personable and has a girl-next-door vibe, someone women feel they can relate to.  Plus, she’s super hot so of course we want to know some of her secrets.

The “Cookie Diet” you may have heard buzz about is part of the Smart For Life brand, and underWAY is a different product, yet they all work together to help curb your appetite and (hopefully) help you lose weight as a result.  More about Smart for Life products later, but first what exactly is underWAY all about?

I learned that underWAY curbs your hunger in two ways.  First, the way it’s formulated makes it take longer to be absorbed by the stomach and second, it slows the absorption of what’s already there – keeping you fuller longer.  Interesting, I thought!

It gets even better, the ingredients are said to actually stimulate your  brain into thinking you’ve consumed more calories than you actually did, which by the way is only 10 calories for an 8 oz drink.

So…it’s 10 calories to begin with (wow), it takes longer to be absorbed, it helps make the other food in your stomach take longer to be absorbed and it signals your brain telling you that you consumed more calories than you did.  Hum…super drink perhaps?!

My “must snack” time is mid-morning or mid-afternoon.  I can make it through the morning without snacking due in part to a cup or two of coffee which helps curb my appetite.  Coffee isn’t the healthiest beverage out there, and I recently learned how many calories are in a Tim Hortons double double which was sobering.  So, if I can have a drink in the morning that will suppress my appetite like coffee, but is more nutritionally sound (it includes vitamins like Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamins B6 and B12) AND is only 10 calories, this is a win-win.

Not ready to give up my precious morning coffee just yet, I have been drinking underWAY in the mid-afternoon instead of searching the pantry for a snack.  I’ve only tried it for a short time, but on the days I reach for an underWAY bottle (I was sent Grape and Acai-Pomegranate) I can make it until dinner without snacking.   Now, obviously a drink is going to fill you up regardless (which is why it’s always good to drink even a bottle of water before reaching for a snack) but soon after drinking water, the hunger will return.  I didn’t find myself looking for a snack in the afternoons when I had underWAY so that was a good result for my very unscientific experiment.

I also got to try some foods that are part of the Smart for Life program – marketed with the tag line, “Are you ready to lose up to 15 pounts in 4 weeks?  Start here!”  Hmm….lose weight and eat cookies?  That sounds like something anyone would want to take a closer look at.  From reading about the program, I learned that no you don’t eat cookies and cupcakes all day, but they do serve as a meal replacement if used in the program.

I think this program would be helpful for someone who depends on sweets like I depend on coffee – if it’s just one of those non negotiable things that you can not give up, Smart for Life may be exactly what you are looking for.  Like any program, you need to research it fully first, and you can start here by reading more about the Smart for Life program.

The chocolate mountain cupcakes, by the way, are delicious and taste sinful!

Intrigued?  You can use MCCAN10OFFUW to get 10% off underWAY online orders!

I have a really great giveaway for my Canadian readers!  TEN readers are going to win a huge underWAY prize pack consisting of two 4-pack bottles of underWAY and a variety of Smart for Life products to try.

Maybe this will be the incentive to get on the right path this summer or maybe you will share your products with your mom or sister and learn about the program together (if you want to keep the cupcakes all to yourself, I don’t blame you though.)  To enter, just leave me a comment here telling me why you’d like to try these products. ** Note: Since this is part of a blog tour, there are several other blogs doing giveaways.  While you may enter on as many blogs as you like, you can only win once.  So, tell your friends to enter too!

For additional entries:
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~ Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link
~ Follow @FeistyFrugal on Twitter and Tweet this giveaway (RT 1x per day) Canadians! 10 winners –> underWAY and Smart for Life (the cookie diet!) prize pack giveaway @FeistyFrugal
~ “Like” Feisty Frugal and Fabulous on Facebook (please leave your first name and last initial so I can find you as a fan)

This giveaway will end on August 4th at 9PM CT . Giveaway is open to Canadian addresses only.

Disclosure – I am participating in the underWAY program by Mom Central on behalf of Better Health Beverage, LLC. I received a gift card as a thank you for my participation. The opinions on this blog, as always, are my own.