Fabulous Frugal Finds

Constructive Playthings New Toy Catalog

CP Toy Catalog

I received the new Constructive Playthings toy catalog a few days ago, and had full intentions of writing a post shortly there after, but the catalog keeps disappearing.  It’s Nevaeh’s new favorite “book” and occasionally is the source of fights when her 6 year old brother takes it from her for his own reading.  The catalog itself now looks really worn, which is evidence to how much it’s loved by the kids.

When I finally did get my hands on the catalog, I was surprised by how many products were in it!  It’s not thick but there’s plenty to see inside.  Everything is well laid out and organized well by grouping toys for specific play-purposes together.

Nevaeh, of course, loves the page titled “My Own Little World, featuring a play kitchen and other kitchen accessories.  She’s also really interested in the Today’s Girl pages (looks like that will have to be on the Christmas list this year!)

My 6 year old Elijah, on the other hand, really likes the Activity Drum Center on the Put On A Show pages.

The Constructive Playthings catalog is a hit in our house, and if you’d like to check-out one for yourself (and the kids) you can order your FREE TOY CATALOG directly on the site.

Of course, when ordering remember that you can save 15% on your order just by clicking on the Constructive Playthings button on the right. —>

You can read about all the Constructive Moms, including yours truly, on the site too!

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