Fabulous Frugal Finds

Dove “My Mini Moment” Contest!

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Dove Ice Cream. All opinions are 100% mine.

Dove Ice CreamMiniatures conducted a survey of over 400 moms and discovered that 70% are taking time for themselves each day. Of course, that time does not involve a spa pedicure daily but we try and take those quiet ‘me’ moments whenever we can because it’s important. What’s your little mini-escape daily? Mine is having my favorite coffee in the morning, while checking email. Sounds simple I know, but in a household with 2 rambunctious kids it’s a little peaceful moment in the morning that I enjoy.

Dove Ice Cream Miniatures has launched a contest called the “My Mini Moment” contest which celebrates those mini moments. Dove Ice Cream is asking women to share those mini moments of escape and one very lucky winner is going to win 3 sensational mini-grand prizes: a mini-getaway to Napa Valley, Spa services for a year or a mini-home makeover. Women need to submit a photo and short essay at DoveIceCream.com/myminimoment by June 7, 2010

At only 70 calories each, DOVE Ice Cream Miniatures feature full indulgent ice cream wrapped in real Dove chocolate making them the perfect treat. The new decadent Café Collection which features Java Chip and Cappuccino Flavors is at the top of my list to try this summer. I’m not a huge ice-cream fan and these 70 calorie Dove Ice Cream Miniatures are perfect to hit the spot without making me regret the little indulgence later. Love it, Dove Ice Cream!

Visit my sponsor: “My Mini Moment” contest


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