Giveaways and Reviews

Backyard Safari Outfitters

Having a little boy has definitely taken me out of my comfort zone.  And while I can’t say that I am a completely reformed girly-girl and get down in the dirt with Elijah on a daily basis, I’ve definitely opened myself up to things otherwise foreign to me.  Take bugs, for example.  I can no longer simply stomp on a daddy long legs and continue on with my day.  No, no, we need to inspect him, let him climb on a stick for awhile, or maybe chase him into a container if it’s a really lucky day for me.

Backyard Safari Outfitters toys, from Summit Toy, embraces the curiosity of children when it comes to all the interesting bugs, plants and birds in their own backyards.  We received 3 products from the Backyard Safari Outfitters line as part of a review campaign with Team Mom – a Cargo Vest (essential for very important work) that also houses super sized pockets for the Pop-Up Field Guide that comes with each Backyard Safari Outfitters product, Field Binocs for viewing bugs and even just shreds of grass close up, and Elijah’s favorite of the three:  the Bug Vacuum.

Elijah has been having a blast sucking up ants, spiders and the occasional fly into the big vacuum.  Once the prey is in the vacuum, you can use the magnifying glass inside to view it in even more detail.  Of course, the first time I tried to do this, I accidently let the prisoner free, whoops!

Backyard Safari Outfitters products can be found at Toys R Us, Wal-Mart, Barns and Noble, and Target.  Visit them on Facebook as well and Twitter too of course!


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