Giveaways and Reviews

Air Bud World Pup Just Released June 15th

It’s the perfect time for a Disney DVD release with a soccer theme, don’t you think?

Air Bud World Pup begins on a wedding day, which is a good indicator of all the changes to come in Buddy’s life.

It’s that day that he sees Molly for the first time.  Futher along in the movie, Buddy and Molly begin their new life together, with puppies (and thankfully my 6 year old did not ask any questions on how said puppies came to be!)

Of course, soccer is the heavy theme in this movie and teenage Josh gets a lot of help from superstar Buddy on the soccer field (is there anything this dog isn’t good at?)

Complete with sports commentary from the Buddies, the movie has a lot of silly hyjinks moments for the kids and a heartwarming storyline expected from a Disney film.

My kids love dogs and love the Air Bud movies, so they were completely entertained for the 83 minute run time of this movie.  The DVD comes with a bonus – a sports bag which is now used to haul whatever combination of toys my 2 year old sees fit for it!

I have 1 additional copy of Disney’s Air Bud World Pup set aside for one of my readers.  To enter, simply tell me who you would like to win this movie for.

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This giveaway will end on July 3rd at 9PM CT . Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.