Giveaways and Reviews

Moxie Girlz

My baby girl (ok not so much a baby anymore) is still a little young for fashion-dolls like these, but I know it’s not far off. Of course I don’t recall how old I was when I first started playing with dolls I could dress up, roll play with, etc., but I have memories from around 4 or so.

We all know the messages little girls get in the media, and we know that toys, games, online activities and more can convey those same messages so it’s important to be aware of what our children are playing with. I like the positive messages like this throughout the Moxie Girlz site. I think a feisty mom like me can say I definitely have moxie, and I sure hope my daughter has this trait too.

Lexa, Avery, Sophina and Bria each of course have their own personality traits and favorite things to do (Lexa is a creative dreamer while Avery dreams of mountains to snowboard on, for example).

Of course, there’s a whole line of Moxie Girlz products including electronics, games and tons clothing and accessories (always my favorite). Take a peek at Moxie Girlz the next time you’re out shopping or check out the Moxie Girlz website to learn more about this product line.

1 of my readers is going to win a Moxie Girlz doll! To enter, visit the site and read about the dolls, then tell me which Moxie Girlz doll you would most like to win.

For additional entries:
~ Follow me (join this site with Google Friend Connect)
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~ Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link
~ Follow @FeistyFrugal and @TheMoxieGirlz on Twitter and Tweet this giveaway (RT 1x per day) Win your choice of doll from @TheMoxieGirlz collection @FeistyFrugal (Ends June 3rd, Canada/US)
~ “Like” Feisty Frugal and Fabulous on Facebook (please leave your first name and last initial so I can find you as a fan.

Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on June 3rd at 9PM CT . I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.



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