Giveaways and Reviews

Kodak Gallery Baby Photo Contest

Moms in the US, have you heard about this contest at Kodak yet? With one (adorable!) photo, you can win a $10,000 cheque put towards your child’s education and a ton of other awesome prizes from Kodak! There are 12 winner’s total (1st Prize winner receives the cheque and more).

All the details are available on the site (babies must be under 2 years of age, contest ends May 28th, etc.) Check it out and enter, it can’t hurt and who knows…you may just be one of the very lucky winners!

Kodak was generous and is offering my own readers a giveaway too!1 of my readers is going to win a $50 Professional Prints Package from Kodak! To enter, just visit Kodak Gallery and leave me a comment here telling me what other product from Kodak caught your eye.

For additional entries:
~ Follow me (join this site with Google Friend Connect)
~ Subscribe via email or Reader
~ Grab my button
~ Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link
~ Follow @FeistyFrugal on Twitter and Tweet this giveaway (RT 1x per day)
Win a $50 Professional Prints Package from @GalleryExposure Enter @FeistyFrugal here: (US only)
~ “Like” Feisty Frugal and Fabulous on Facebook (please leave your first name and last initial so I can find you as a fan.

Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on May 24th at 9PM CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to US addresses only.



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