Giveaways and Reviews

Webkinz Jr.

If you are out the week before Easter looking for something special for your little one, or just looking for something to occupy the kids during spring break or on the rainy weekends that spring brings – check out Webkinz and Webkinz Jr.! Webkinz Jr. has added even more adorable pets since the last time our family reviewed them earlier this year. We already have a Webkinz Jr. Puppy and Monkey (the Monkey is my son’s #2 favorite stuffy, which says a lot considering his #1 has been with him since he was a baby!)

Among the new pets are two unbelievably soft and of course adorable Bunnies, perfect for Easter or Spring time. Ganz, the makers of Webkinz Jr. generously sent my kids each a Webkinz Jr. Bunny! I couldn’t wait until Easter to give these to the kids, and they actually came in handy on a recent road trip we made (I pulled them out just before we left, good thinking huh?) See, the thing is, even though you can play with your virtual Webkinz Jr. online (they are specially designed for children 3-6 years old online and you can adjust the difficulty of the tasks as well), these pets are so cozy that they will become favorites offline as well.

As a parent, I appreciate that I can take a moment out of my day to check in on my son’s progress with his Webkins Jr. pet online. He tells me what his buddies are up to, but I can actually log in to the Parents Area on the site and see exactly what he’s been doing (my daughter is still too young to master the Webkinz Jr. site but watches beside her brother and screams when her Webkinz Jr. is touched…uh huh, we’re in trouble with her, I know!)

Active Webkinz Jr. members will notice that there’s some new content on the site – check out the Facebook Fan Page for Webkinz Jr. for all the info.2 readers are going to win a Webkins Jr. of their choice! To enter, just visit Webkinz Jr. and tell me which one you would pick if you won.

For additional entries:
~ Become a Fan of Webkinz Jr. on Facebook
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Win a Webkinz Jr. (2 Winners!) @FeistyFrugal

~ Become a Fan of Feisty Frugal and Fabulous on Facebook (please leave your first name and last initial so I can find you as a fan)

Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on April 11th at 9:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.


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