Giveaways and Reviews

Urban Chic Boutique

Urban Chic Boutique is a gem to find online. There’s thousands of sites out there that sell beauty products of course, but sites like Urban Chic Boutique source out fun, popular, and buzz-worthy beauty items that, together, create a boutique that is a virtual magazine of everything hip.

Urban Chic Boutique carries a huge line of Jessica Simpson products including the Dessert Treats products, all of which I’d love to get my hands on! I love Jessica Simpson’s marketing savvy – body products, perfume, and even hair extensions have been touched by the Jessica Simpson brand.
The Jessica Simpson Dessert Beauty Deliciously Kissable Sugar Scrub comes in three varieties – Creamy (vanilla/caramel), Dreamy (chocolate coconut), and Juicy (fruity berry scent). I was sent the Creamy Sugar Scrub, and began using it the next day in the shower. I’m so glad Jessica is a girl who likes her desserts, because she really took the yummy scents overboard but in a good way. The sugar scrub made my whole bathroom smell during the shower and for hours afterword – impressive!

I’m not sure if reviewing something from the Jessica Simpson Dessert beauty line was a good or bad thing. You see, now I want to try more! Better than shoving a brownie in my mouth, right?1 reader is going to win a Jessica Simpson Dessert Beauty Deliciously Kissable Sugar Scrub (whew!) To enter, just visit Urban Chic Boutique and leave me a comment here telling me something else you saw that you’d love to have.

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Yum! Win a Jessica Simpson Dessert product from @UrbnChicBoutiq @FeistyFrugal (US/Canada)
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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on March 21st at 9:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.


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