It’s been one of those crazy weeks! Sometimes the days blend into one another and life is rather boring (especially living in the small town we’ve been in for the past 4 years) and other times, like this past week, like has been chaotic and exciting and messy and exhausting all at once. I’ve made a point to take care of myself though, indulging in little treats (the other night at dinner I ordered the most delicious warm brownie with ice cream and chocolate sauce drizzled on top, mmmmm!) and also of course keeping the kid’s spirits up with little indulgences as well.

This photo, taken last week, cracks me up and I thought it was fitting for my Monday Moment. There are days when you just gotta toss in the towel – put on a silly hat and a tutu and say “whatever…”. Don’t take yourself too seriously. I think that’s a great lesson from my 2 year old!
Have you had a Monday Moment this week? What happened this week that gave you time to reflect, take a moment for yours
elf, or just made time stand still for a second so you could catch your breath and smile?
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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on March 30th at 9:00pm CT. I will use Random.org to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.