Two more weeks until we take possession of our new house! I am so excited! So much so that I’m finding it hard to get my bloggy-work done because my mind is muddled up with things I once found yawn-worthy.
I find myself daydreaming about vinyl siding during Grey’s Anatomy (can you really paint it or are you better off starting from scratch?) and wondering if the money used on replacement windows would be better spent on…well, something more fun than that?
Home remodeling is a ton of fun, and a ton of work too of course. I swear I’m going to go to bed dreaming about paint chips tonight (I have major anxiety about picking the wrong color…like seriously, what if I pick the wrong color??!!) I know I have winner’s to pick, but I think that will be something to start fresh with tomorrow morning, coffee in hand, and not a paint chip or carpet sample in the room. I’ll banish them in the name of contest winners. For an hour. Ok 40 minutes tops. Help!
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